The world of the story

The world of the story

NZSA Wellington members Trish Harris and Janet Colson read from their work share the inspiration, soul-searching and determination that led them to tell their stories – one in an absorbing memoir, the other in a fast-paced work of fiction. Join them for a literary heart to heart and find out what keeps them writing.

Trish Harris is the author of the memoir The Walking Stick Tree and a poetry collection My Wide White Bed, the story of her extended stay at the Hutt Hospital. Trish gives voice to her experience of living with arthritis since childhood, “All writing has the potential to connect with people and along the way, it can be transformative.”

Janet Colson’s art world thriller, The Shark Party, is a story of love, loss and the fight to belong. Janet is currently writing a prequel novel about the impulse to protect those who matter to us the most.

The event is sponsored by Friends of Hutt City Libraries and the New Zealand Book Council.

Books will be available to purchase during the event from Paper Plus Lower Hutt.