We Read Auckland Seeking Authors

Auckland Libraries is launching a new annual winter reading promotion called We Read Auckland – Tāmaki Makaurau: one place, many stories on Tuesday 19th May 2020.

This one-day celebration of Auckland writers and Auckland stories will be held on Tuesday 19 May 2020, and will be Auckland Libraries’ first ever city-wide reading day. Any NZSA Auckland branch members interested in getting involved with We Read Auckland, either at their local libraries or on a regional level, are invited to We Read Auckland – invitation to authors (1) (link to pdf) or get in touch with Ineka Vogels or  Alison Fitzpatrick to discuss:

Ineka Vogels | Reading Engagement Specialist
email: Ineka.Vogels@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Alison Fitzpatrick RLIANZA | Reading Engagement Specialist
email: Alison.Fitzpatrick@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz