Wollongong Writers Festival Short Story Prize 2017 – deadline

Wollongong Writers Festival Short Story Prize 2017

First Prize $1000 Highly Commended $200


Word limit: 2500 words

Closing date: 15 September 2017

The Wollongong Writers Festival Short Story Prize will be awarded for a story up to 2500 words on the theme ‘World-Changing Words’. The winning entry will receive $1000 and publication in Mascara Literary Review.

The theme can be interpreted as broadly and playfully as you like. Feel free to experiment with form and content, but please keep submissions within the word count. Entry fee is $15. The winner of the Wollongong Writers Festival Short Story Prize will receive $1000, and the winning entry will be published in Mascara Literary Review. The Wollongong Writers Festival Short Story Prize will close for entries at midnight (AEST) on 15 September 2017.

Full details are now online at http://www.wollongongwritersfestival.com/competitions/