Writers on Mondays: Home and Away: Noelle McCarthy


Home and Away: Noelle McCarthy
Early in 2020, Noelle McCarthy travelled to Ireland where her mammy, Carol, was dying, then back to New Zealand as borders were slamming shut. Written through the years of the pandemic, Grand is about mothers and daughters, running away and going home, Noelle and Carol. It’s been a best-seller here, winning the E.H. McCormick Prize at the 2023 Ockham Awards. This June, Noelle flew to Ireland to launch the United Kingdom and Irish edition. Kate Duignan talks to 2023 Writer-in-Residence Noelle about the reception of the book on both sides of the world, and what’s left to write after a memoir.

DATE:  Monday 28 August
TIME:   12.15-1.15pm
VENUE:  Te Marae, Level 4, Te Papa

Writers on Mondays is presented by the International Institute of Modern Letters, the Musuem of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Circa Theatre and Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day.

These events are open to the public and free of charge.