Writing Cli-fi – With Climate Change Novelist Katherine Dewar

Writing Cli-fi – Discussion with new climate change novelist Katherine Dewar

2pm Friday 17th March, Grass by the cafe, Corban Estate Arts Centre, 426 Great North Rd, Henderson, 0612

In writing her acclaimed debut novel ‘Ruby and the Blue Sky’, West-Auckland based author and activist Katherine Dewar predicted a flood, linked feminism and climate change pre-Trump and learned more than is normal about veterinarian treatments for polar bears. In the emerging genre of Cli-fi (climate fiction), which is mostly dystopic, Katherine has found herself a rare literary voice exploring positive change. Join Katherine for what is sure to be a lively discussion of the role of art in imagining climate solutions, of interest to any fans of fiction, sci-fi, art and climate action. To register email me@katherinedewar.net or online at KatherineDewar.net