
Fulbright-Creative New Zealand Pacific Writer’s Residency 2023

We are inviting applications for the Fulbright-Creative New Zealand Pacific Writer’s Residency.


One award valued at NZ$33,300 is granted each year to an established New Zealand writer of Pacific heritage to carry out work on a creative writing project exploring Pacific identity, culture or history at the Center for Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa in Honolulu for either the Fall (August-November) or Spring (February-May) semester of the US academic year.

Previous grantees have included writers Coco Solid, Sarona Aiono-Iosefa and Marisa Maepu, poets Tusiata Avia, Karlo Mila and Daren Kamali, filmmakers Sima Urale and Toa Fraser, and playwright Victor Rodger.

The deadline for 2023 applications is 5pm Friday 17 March.

The eligibility criteria and the application form are available here.

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