
Fulbright-Creative New Zealand Pacific Writer’s Residency in Hawai’i

Fulbright New Zealand and Creative New Zealand invite applications for the 2020 Fulbright-Creative New Zealand Pacific Writer’s Residency. The award offers a mid-career or senior New Zealand writer of Pacific heritage the opportunity to work for three months on a creative writing project exploring Pacific identity, culture or history at the University of Hawai’i.

The residency aligns with the ‘Moana’ pou of Creative New Zealand’s Pacific Arts Strategy 2018 – 2023, ensuring that Pacific arts are further enriched across Oceania and the globe.

The project may be in any genre, but priority is given to works that focus on developing New Zealand literature in the genres of fiction, poetry, drama, non-fiction (including biography, history, arts-related and cultural topics) and playwriting.

The residency is valued at NZ$30,000 and includes return airfares to Hawai’i, accommodation costs and a monthly stipend. Previous recipients have included Karlo Mila, Tusiata Avia, Daren Kamali, David Eggleton, Jessica Hansell (aka Coco Solid), Sima Urale, Toa Fraser, Victor Rodger and, most recently, Oscar Kightley.

Hawai’i has been identified as a strategic location for artists and is considered the hub of Pacific writing with numerous universities, library resources, networks, writers’ forums and publishers. It is also an important link to the mainland US and has a strong indigenous culture.

The 2020 Fulbright-Creative New Zealand Pacific Writer’s Residency is available in either the Fall (August to November) or Spring (February to May) semester of the 2020-2021 US academic year.

The deadline for applications is 5:00pm, Tuesday 31 March 2020.

How to apply

Applications are made online via the Fulbright New Zealand website https://fulbright.org.nz/awards/nzscholar/fulbright-cnz/

For further information please contact:

Fulbright Programme Manager, Magnolia Wilson at magnolia@fulbright.org.nz / (04) 494 1504

Fulbright Senior Communications Advisor, Therese Lloyd at therese@fulbright.org.nz / (04) 494 1507

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