

The full events programme for Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day 2023 will be announced on 2 August, but inspired poets should head to the NPD Competition Calendar to get into the poetry groove prior to the big day itself on 25 August.

Creative organisers have put together a range of delightful challenges for you.Our first competition for adults writing poetry for children, Drop by Drop, put together by The Poets XYZ, closes in two weeks.

The much-loved Given Words competition is back, with the five words chosen this year by schoolchildren in Andalusia and to be revealed on 1 August. Bell Hill Apartments want you to write on the legacy of Henry Mathews. And the ever-popular Poetry Aotearoa Yearbook student poetry competition is open now!

There are plenty of regional opportunities too, all encouraging and celebrating the power of poetry in the warm-up to 25 August. What’s not to love about that?


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