How the Government forces authors to give books to people with disability, but refuses to pay for them

Jun 02 2020

OPINION: The Government this year signed an international treaty to give free access to books for people with a disability who can’t handle print copies.

Few would argue about increasing opportunities for those with a disability. But, Kiwi

Authors are paid if their books are in libraries - but not if the book is converted for use by people with disabilities.

Authors are paid if their books are in libraries – but not if the book is converted for use by people with disabilities

authors won’t be compensated for taking their work and giving it away free. Why is that fair?

An MP from each side of the house gives their views.


… In the meantime, authors should pass on any evidence of direct impact to their incomes or abuse of treaty provisions to the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment.

Fair pay for authors has been a long-standing issue. It’s good to see the Government taking a closer look at it. It shows we value authors and the vital role they play in our society.

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