Invitation to writers, publishers, agents, editors meetings with delegation from CNPIEC in Auckland

Delegation from China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC) who organise the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) and from China Peace Publishing Ltd. Meetings available in Auckland Tuesday 14th to Thursday 16th January 2020.




There will be two representatives each from CNPIEC and China Peace.

Mrs. Mo Ying and Mr. Ni Hongri are from China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC). CNPIEC is part of a huge publishing group (exceeding 200,000 titles a year). It also runs the BIBF.

Ms. Yang Jun and Ms. Yang Yang are from China Peace Publishing Limited. Jiangxi Publishing Group and Chinese Universal Media have nominated one of our strategic partners in Beijing, China Peace Publishing House CO., LTD (where Eunoia has an editorial office), as the representative group to represent it at this meeting.


 There are three legs to this meeting:


To open discussions between industry representatives from NZ and the BIBF about the possibility of starting a NZ and Pan Pacific Book Fair in Auckland, with a trial small scale version possibly in November or December 2020.

CNPIEC has signed a memorandum of understanding with Chinese Universal and Media Publishing, part of the Jiangxi Province publishing group, to scope this out if people here are willing to look at the idea, and to give expertise and other assistance from the BIBF to an Auckland fair if it goes ahead then or at some other time.

The idea is that this fair will primarily aimed at allowing widespread meeting of trade representatives from all parts of the industry from around NZ and internationally. If there is sufficient interest there could also be a public fair directed at book sales.


To give an opportunity for publishers, booksellers, distributors, authors, illustrators, editors, proofreaders, book designers, agents, translators, printers, writing educators, and anyone else interested to meet with both CNPIEC and China Peace Publishing to discuss ways it might be possible to work directly with them or their respective associated companies.

The delegates from China can be regarded as representing all companies in their respective ownership groups for the purposes of giving introductions for you and those other companies.


To give an opportunity for publishers, booksellers, distributors, authors, illustrators, editors, proofreaders, book designers, agents, translators, printers, writing educators, and anyone else interested to meet with each other to inform and guide.

This can be to discuss any matters whatsoever you want to address.

In some ways this event can be regarded as a very small, two-nation book trade fair.


Day 1: Book Fair Discussion


Tuesday 14th January 2020 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Ellen Melville Hall, 2 Freyberg Place, Auckland CBD

We have set aside the afternoon to allow parties to meet in one or more sessions as convenient in order to discuss the proposed book fair in all of its aspects.

We propose opening with a session in the Pioneer Women’s Hall for as many attendees as possible to broadly discuss the concepts. The remainder of the day can be structured in accordance to the needs identified there (and this can be anything you like) in that hall and the other three listed below.


14th January
Time Venue Venue Capacity Info
1pm – 7pm Pioneer Women’s Hall 140 people Opening session for broad discussion
1pm – 6pm Betty Wark Room 30 people Break-out groups and appointments
1pm – 6pm Eleitino (Paddy) Walker Room 20 people Break-out groups and appointments
1pm – 6pm Elizabeth Yates Room 20 people Break-out groups and appointments

Days 2 & 3: Trade meetings (China-NZ and NZ-NZ)

 15th and 16th January 2020 from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Ellen Melville Centre, 2 Freyberg Place, Auckland CBD

Fee Langstone, Level 18, 51 Shortland Street, Auckland CBD



We have made time for one-hour appointments to allow you to have group or individual meetings with either or both of the delegations to cater to item 2 & 3 above or any outstanding matters under item 1.


Past experience has shown us that in fact groups of the same interest area (e.g. publishers or editors or illustrators) can meet with the delegations at the same time.


Samples of work or publications should be brought with you.


15th January
Time Venue Venue Capacity Info
9am – 5pm Betty Wark Room 30 people One-hour long appointments
9am – 5pm Eleitino (Paddy) Walker Room 20 people One-hour long appointments
9am – 5pm Elizabeth Yates Room 20 people One-hour long appointments
9am – 5pm Fee Langstone meeting rooms varied One-hour long appointments
6pm – 8pm Fee Langstone rooftop/lobby Varied Cocktail party


16th January
Time Venue Venue Capacity Info
8am – 11am Betty Wark Room 30 people One-hour long appointments
9am – 5pm Eleitino (Paddy) Walker Room 20 people One-hour long appointments
9am – 5pm Elizabeth Yates Room 20 people One-hour long appointments
9am – 5pm Marilyn Waring Room 20 people One-hour long appointments
9am – 5pm Fee Langstone meeting rooms varied One-hour long appointments


Cocktail party


15th January 2020 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Fee Langstone, Level 18, 51 Shortland Street, Auckland CBD


On the evening of 15th January 2020 at 6:00-8:00pm, we will be hosting a cocktail party for all attendees at the venue (on one of the roof gardens, weather permitting, or else inside) at which we will also be launching a joint partnership book we are producing with China Peace Publishing as an example of co-operative work.


Please join us for an end of year celebration..



register your interest


We realise some of you will attend in more than one capacity. And that there will be representation from some of your societies – please do not take that to mean that you should not attend on your own behalf. This is a wonderful and rare opportunity for everyone to get together and discuss things that matter to us all.


The agenda at present is completely flexible.


When booking, please do not be shy about putting down ideas for topics for discussion or wish lists for who you would like to meet with.


Please indicate all times when you may be available as well as putting down any specific topics you would like to have discussed and any people or groups you would like to meet with. For example:


“I am a publisher. I would like talk with to the Chinese delegation to discuss which titles might be available from their associates and what titles of ours they might see a place for in China.”


“I am an editor. I would like to meet with as many authors and publishers as I can.”


“I am a publisher. I would like to chair a session with booksellers and distributors about what titles I should be looking to produce.”


“I am an illustrator. I would like to meet publishers and authors. I would also like to meet with the Chinese delegates to explore possible work for their companies.”


“I am an author. I want to find out about the proposed copyright law changes and also a bit more about the Coalition of Books.”


Once registrations are coming in we will try to formalize the structure.


We realise some of you will attend in more than one capacity. And that there will be representation from some of your societies – please do not take that to mean that you should not attend on your own behalf. This is a wonderful and rare opportunity for everyone to get together and discuss things that matter to us all.


Please register interest here.


When booking, please do not be shy about putting down ideas for topics for discussion or wish lists for who you would like to meet with.


We will try to accommodate your session choices but may have to juggle a bit.


For additional information or assistance please contact Hillary Fee.


Phone Hillary: +64 21 1518895



Please circulate this letter to those who may have an interest.




Dr. Rod Fee

Managing Director

Eunoia Publishing Group

PO Box 33890 Takapuna 0740

Auckland, New Zealand



14th January
Time Venue WHAT’S ON Info
1pm – 7pm Pioneer Women’s Hall Opening session for broad discussion
1pm – 6pm Betty Wark Room  


1pm – 6pm Eleitino (Paddy) Walker Room
1pm – 6pm Elizabeth Yates Room
15th January
Time Venue WHAT’S ON Info
9am – 5pm Betty Wark Room  


9am – 5pm Eleitino (Paddy) Walker Room
9am – 5pm Elizabeth Yates Room
9am – 5pm Fee Langstone meeting rooms
6pm – 8pm Fee Langstone rooftop/lobby Cocktail party
16th January
Time Venue WHAT’S ON Info
8am – 11am Betty Wark Room  


9am – 5pm Eleitino (Paddy) Walker Room
9am – 5pm Elizabeth Yates Room
9am – 5pm Marilyn Waring Room
9am – 5pm Fee Langstone meeting rooms



China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC) is a large state owned culture enterprise founded in 1949, the same year as the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In April 2002 it was incorporated into China Publishing Group Corporation as a member company. CNPIEC passedISO9001 quality management system certification in2009.

CNPIEC has always adhered to serving social economic construction and promoting Chineseculture “going global” through introducing international advanced technological and cultural achievement as its goal. It has formed its industrial structure pattern in fields of import of publications, export of publications, domestic and overseas exhibitions, overseas publishing, overseas outlets and other international operations, CNPIEC has become the largest and most competitive import and export enterprise of the Chinese publishing industry with total assets of 3.2 billion Yuan, operating revenue of 4.3billion Yuan, and 44 branches at home and abroad.

Aiming to be the bridge of “letting China know the world ”,CNPIEC is the largest importer of publications in terms of scope and titles, with two exclusive rights in audio video product import business and the selling of imported newspapers and periodicals at foreign residence and office sites. It has domestic clients of more than 10,000 libraries, research institutes, academic institutions. Its imported publications covering 370,000 varieties which account for over 60% of the import market share in China, including newspapers, periodicals, books, documentations, audiovisual products, databases, e-books and other information materials from more than 10,000 publishing companies and academic institutions and social groups located in over 110 countries and regions worldwide.

As the driving force of the state’s going-out strategy in Chinese publishing industry, CNPIEC has formed it working system consisting of export of publications, exhibition organizing service, overseas publishing and overseas outlets, with its exporting publications covering more than 300,000 varieties, accounting for 30% of the export market share.

CNPIEC has been dedicated to the mission of developing the largest exhibition platform nationwide in the publishing industry. China Publications Expo International is the first professional organization specialized in international exhibition business in Chinese publishing field. Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF), founded and organized by CNPIEC, has been successfully held for 21 sessions in 28 years. BIBF has become an important channel of culture exchange and a substantially influential gala in international book industry. Moreover, CNPIEC engaged itself in business of organizing Chinese delegations to attend international book fairs in twenty countries and regions, including Frankfurt Book Fair and London Book Fair.

Committed itself to international operation of the Chinese publishing industry, CNPIEC setup its first branch in early 1980s, it now has 26 overseas outlets, including 6branchcompanies or offices in USA, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Japan, Australia, Russia and Hong Kong, 8 publishing houses, 12 book stores and distribution companies, which formed the largest transnational sales network including import, export, publishing and distribution in the Chinese publishingindustry.

With a good brand reputation, CNPIEC was rated as “Trustworthy Enterprises by the Customs of PRC ” “National Advanced Collectives of Press and Publication” and “National Key Culture Export Enterprises” for several times. The first Import & Export Publications Bonded Warehouse in China was set up for CNPIEC under the approval of Beijing Customs authority in2011. It is appointed as the event organizer of Beijing International Book Fair, Guest of Honor collective activities in international book fairs, and the exclusive importer and contractor of the newsstand project for Beijing Olympic Games 2008, Shanghai World Expo 2010, Guangzhou Asian Games 2010, and Shenzhen Universiade 2011.

Following the guide direction of strategic goals of “modern, large scale, international publishing media group” proposed by China Publishing Group Corporation (CPG), CNPIEC is dedicated to building the leading all-media information service enterprise. Founded in 2002, China Publishing Group Corporation (CPG) is one of China’s largest trade and professional publishing groups. CPG is active in print and digital publishing, copyright transactions, importing and exporting. Publishing is its core business.

CPG claims a leading share in the domestic book retail market with 40 publishing companies, 96 subsidiaries, and three wholesalers. Publishing imprints include People’s Literature Publishing House, The Commercial Press (founded in 1897), Zhonghua Book Company (founded in 1912), Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, People’s Music Publishing House, SDX Joint Publishing Company, China Translation Publishing House, Orient Publishing Centre, Xinhua Bookstore Head Office, China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC) and China Translation Corporation.

CPG aspires to be a major actor in the global publishing industry and become “the world’s leading publishing group,” according to president Tan Yue. CPG releases 16,000 new publications per year including audio-visual, electronic and online publications as well as journals, and closes more than 2,000 rights transactions per year. Its book imports and exports division, CNIEPC, shifts a total of 200,000 titles per year, which represents a market share of 62 for imports and 30% for exports, and handles 20 million items per year in imports and exports, for which it has established a network of 28 offices with its business extending to 130 countries.

The simplified chart below gives an indication of some of the publishing houses in the group.



APPENDIX 2 – Jiangxi Publishing

Jiangxi Publishing Group Corporation was established in 1993.

It is a large-scale provincial state-owned publishing media group with more than 10,000 employees. It has 121 subsidiaries.

Amongst the largest directly owned of these are the following publishing houses:

  • JiangXi People’s Publishing House
  • JiangXi Education Publishing House
  • JiangXi Science & Technology Press
  • 21st Century Publishing House
  • Baihuazhou Literature and Art Publishing House
  • JiangXi Fine Arts Publishing House
  • HongXing Electronic & Audio Visual Press
  • China Peace Publishing House
  • Jiangxi University and College Press

The group’s main business includes traditional publishing services such as book editing and publishing, newspapers and magazines, printing and distribution, and supply of materials; domestic and foreign trade and supply chain business, modern logistics and film and television production, art management, investment and financing, cultural real estate, and exhibition and other industries Chain extension business; new business such as new media and online education, Internet games, digital publishing, Internet of Things technology applications, international copyright transactions, etc.

In 2006, the group completed industrial and commercial registration and became a pilot unit for the reform of the national cultural system. In 2010, the group integrated the entire industry chain of publishing and realized the successful listing of Chinese World Publishing Media Co., Ltd. (“Chinese Media” for short, stock code 600373). In 2013 and 2014, the Group integrated the resources of non-listed enterprises, and successively established Huazhang Tiandi Media Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd. and Huazhang Culture Real Estate Co., Ltd. to vigorously implement the development strategy of “one body, two wings, interactive development, one industry as the core, and multiple support”: ”

“All in one” is the Jiangxi Provincial Publishing Group Corporation. It is the group’s strategic decision-making center, macro-control center, resource allocation center, and equity operation center. “Two Wings”: One is a listed company—Chinese World Publishing & Media Co., Ltd. All media and the entire industry chain provide cultural products and services. The second is the unlisted segment of the group. Huazhang Tiandi Media Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd. and Huazhang Culture Real Estate Co., Ltd. are mainly engaged in cultural finance, cultural technology, cultural real estate and asset management. New developments in areas such as the “two wings” complement each other, interactive development, further innovative development, high-quality development, and steady development, and are committed to building a nation’s leading modern cultural industry group. In 2019, the Group was elected to the “Top 30 National Cultural Enterprises” for the eleventh consecutive year.



APPENDIX 3 – China Peace Publishing Limited

This subsidiary of Jiangxi Publishing is culturally a very important publisher in China. It has its foundations in the work of Soong Ching-Ling.

Soong Ching-ling (27 January 1893 – 29 May 1981) was a Chinese political figure. As the third wife of Sun Yat-sen, one of the leaders of the 1911 revolution that established the Republic of China, she was often referred to as Madame Sun Yat-sen. She was a member of the Soong family and, together with her siblings, played a prominent role in China’s politics prior to and after 1949.

After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, she held several prominent positions in the new government, including Vice Chairman (1949–1954; 1959–1975) and Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (1954–1959; 1975–1981), travelled abroad during the early 1950s, representing her country at a number of international events. She and Dong Biwu as Vice Presidents became de facto Heads of State of China 1968-1972 Soong survived the political turmoil during the Cultural Revolution, but appeared less frequently after 1976. As the acting Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress from 1976 to 1978, Soong was again the acting Head of State. During her final illness in May 1981, she was given the special title of “Honorary President of the People’s Republic of China”.

A foundation she set up to advance the interests of women and children founded China Peace Publishing Limited and retained a large interest after e Jiangxi Publishing Group took a shareholding.

China Peace Publishing is very small compared to CNPEIC and the Jainxi publishing comp[an ies with approximately 60 employees.

It is an important company for NZ however as it is interested in novel ways of cooperating with our publishers, authors, illustrators, editors, proofreaders, and translators in order to customize children and young adult works from both countries to take to the rest of the world.




Beijing International Book Fair is growing rapidly and beginning to rival in size and reach the Frankfurter Buchmesse.


BIBF 2019 = 320,000 visitors, 2600 exhibitors, 94 territores and countries

Frankfurt Book Fair 2019 = 302,267 Visitors, 7,450 exhibitors, 104 countries

This year’s Beijing International Book Fair is described by organisers CNPIEC as ‘the biggest and best yet’, showing healthy growth that reflects the continued buoyancy of the book market in China. With technology playing an increasing role in publishing, BIBF hosted a series of performances with top name authors, musicians and an astronaut to demonstrate the potential of 5G in a world-first at international book fairs..

The Fair covered 106,800 sqm  of China’s International Exhibition Centre, and hosted more than 2,600 exhibitors and 320,000 visitors for five days from August 21st.  More than half of exhibitors – 1,600 – were drawn from overseas, representing 95 regions and countries.  These included two newcomers, Portugal and Kazakhstan, as well as countries expanding their presence at the Fair.  Some 45 overseas exhibitors including the USA’s DC Comics were also new to BIBF this year.

Final figures from the Fair organisers put the number of partnership deals agreed at 5,996, up 5.6% on last year.  Of these, 3,840 were export or co-publishing deals /MOUs (up 6.4%) and 2,156 were import deals (up 4.3%).

BIBF hosts world-first 5G demonstration at BIBF

While children’s books and digital publishing dominated BIBF once more, the biggest story of the Fair was BIBF’s partnership with China Telecom, the first time it has been demonstrated at a publishing trade fair.   BIBF’s special 5G+ Reading Zone showed how faster, high quality internet speed can open up new opportunities for publishers, writers and readers.

BIBF hosted interactive demonstrations of the new technology throughout the Fair.  A series of performances and author events took place to show how 5G, combined with augmented reality, mixed reality and virtual reality, makes it possible for authors to communicate with their readers in new ways.  In future, readers can take part in book launches, for example, by watching projected images of authors.

Award-winning novelist and screenwriter Liu Zhenyun interviewed China’s first female astronaut Wang Yaping on Saturday 24th August, with a life-like image of her appearing next to him on stage before an audience whilst she was elsewhere in the Fair.

Earlier in the Fair, in a special collaboration with the China National Performance Arts Centre, performances by renowned pianist Yundi Li and other well-known singers and musicians were organised to show how music and text can be intertwined seamlessly to create impressive visual and audio effects.

“We are thrilled to be the first publishing trade fair in the world to have the chance to demonstrate 5G’s capabilities,” said Liying Lin, vice president of CNPIEC and fair director. “5G’s increased speed, quantity and quality of transmission brings unrivalled opportunities to readers, publishers and the whole industry chain,” she said.

Growing appetite for edutech, children’s learning and cross-media products

Exhibitors with books and content that is fun, interactive and encourages parent-child interaction attracted the most attention in the children’s sector, while pre-school and early years content used for online and digital home-learning was also popular.

Several noteworthy big names from the new generation of edutech and e-learning products took part, illustrating the convergence of publishing, entertainment, AI and digital technologies.  First time exhibitors included VIPKID a Chinese education start-up and one of the world’s biggest online education companies, who are targeting the new generation of parents keen to support their children’s education.

Online platform Jiliguala, who have recently signed a deal with the Walt Disney Company to develop and provide English reading courses based on Disney cartoons, also exhibited.

Interactive devices on show included Luka Hero, a smart owl-shaped robot device that can read picture books to children, from AI start-up Ling Technologies.  A combination of cameras and artificial intelligence means the device can follow the words a child points to on the page – and even use the parent’s voice to read.

“BIBF is the ideal opportunity to learn about the latest trends in publishing in China, with our busy professional programme supplementing exhibitor activity.  Whether visitors are interested in cross-media collaboration, paid-for content or how to use social media commerce, the Fair provided plenty of opportunities to see examples of best practice and explore commercial prospects,” said Liying Lin.

She continued: “this sector of paid-for digital and online providers is growing fast and looking for content from Western suppliers, particularly in pre-school and early years education”.

As well as exhibitor activity in the main halls, the Fair hosted two award ceremonies:  the 13th Special Book Award of China, which recognises eminent writers, translators and publishers from around the world, and the BIBF Ananas International Illustration Awards, made to young illustrators.

13th Special Book Award of China

Translators from Australia, Canada and Russia were among the winners of the Special Book Award of China, which is the highest honour given to international publishing professionals who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of Chinese literature and culture overseas.  The award was established in 2005, and has been presented 12 times so far. Over the past years, 123 winners from 49 countries and regions have received the accolade.  This year’s awards were made to:

  • Bonnie Suzanne McDougall from Australia, Laureate Professor of the University of Sydney and translator who has been instrumental in developing young Chinese translators overseas as well as the publication of such books as Letters Between Two: Correspondence Between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping.
  • Daniel Bell from Canada, who has pursued an academic career at Shandong University as well as producing monographs about Confucius culture and Chinese politics including The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy.
  • Yuri Tavrovskiy from Russia, a writer known for his in-depth study of Chinese history and his recent book, Xi Jinping: Governance Thought in Shape, the first book published in Russia about President Xi Jinping.
  • Ioan Budura from Romania, a translator who has long been engaged in the promotion of Chinese books and who translated two volumes of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China.
  • Fabian Lebenglik from Argentina, president of Adriana Hidalgo Editora who has contributed to the promotion of Chinese literature in the Spanish speaking world.
  • Sotiris Chalikias from Greece, translator of texts such as The Analects of Confucius and The Mencius, and acclaimed for his study and translation of classical Chinese philosophy and literature.
  • András Sándor Kocsis from Hungary, publisher of dozens of classics of Chinese philosophy, language and reference books, including The Hungary Chinese and Chinese Hungary Dictionary.
  • Abbas Kdaimy from Iraq, translator and editor who has worked at the Xinhua News Agency, CRI and CIPG in China, and is responsible for the translation of the first volume of Xi Jinping: Governance of China into Arabic.
  • Yuri Pines from Israel, a writer, professor and well-known researcher in the study of traditional Chinese political thoughts and culture. His titles include Envisioning Eternal Empire: Chinese Political Thought Of The Warring States Era.
  • Seken Aday from Kazakhstan, translator and professor known for his promotion of works by scholars of famous Chinese social scientists, such as China’s Leadership in Global Governance.
  • Hong Jungsun from Korea, professor and publisher of a number of books on traditional Chinese culture and contemporary literature, whose works include Chinese Modern Literature and Modernisation.
  • Leopold Moravcik from Slovakia, a writer and reporter who has created a number of books about China including China on the Long March.

Awards were also made to three young translators and publishers: Yara El Masri from Egypt, Stefan Christ from Germany and Kiran Gautam from Nepal.

BIBF Ananas International Illustrations Awards 2019

Young illustrators from China, France, the UK, the USA, Russia, Vietnam and Poland were among the winners at this year’s BIBF Ananas International Illustrations Awards, now in their second year.  The awards were made in conjunction with a major exhibition of works submitted for consideration.

This year’s Ananas Grand Prix was won by Liu Jing from China for her book The Ship.

Five young illustrators won the 2019 New Talent Prize:

  • Sally Deng, a US illustrator, for her children’s book Skyward: The Story Of Female Pilots In WW2, published by the UK’s Flying Eye Books
  • Suzy Vergez, from France for The Little Fisherman Who Didn’t Want More
  • Thanh Vu Nguyen from Vietnam for The Boy and The Toad
  • Huachao Wu from China for Bird and Statue
  • Xinran Huang from China for Mr Popper’s Penguins

Three illustrators won the 2019 Grand Jury Prize:

  • Dominika Czerniak-Chojnacka, from Poland for Finding a Prince
  • Victoria Semykina from Russia for The Real Boat
  • Fan Zhang from China for Subway

Prize money of RMB 10,000 was awarded to Liu Jing.

This year more than 1,060 series of works were submitted and 60 chosen for display and inclusion in a special annual publication.

The exhibition accompanying the BIBF Ananas International Illustration Awards was held concurrently with the Fair, showing dozens of titles submitted for consideration, in a dedicated 400 square meters space.  The exhibition also hosted meetings and other professional activities to create opportunities for illustrators and publishing professionals to get together.

According to Liying Lin, the awards present an unrivalled opportunity for young illustrators: “If you want to attract attention from publishers, then the Ananas Awards provide exposure on an internationally recognised platform.”

“Many of our past winners attracted a great deal of interest from the industry and media when they won, and they have since gone on to co-operate with major international publishers.  We are pleased to know that we have contributed to their international careers in this way.”

BIBF hosted Romania as Country of Honour 2019

In honour of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between The People’s Republic of China and Romania, BIBF invited Romania to be this year’s country of honour.  More than 20 publishers presented their poetry and literature at the Fair to create awareness of the richness of the Romanian culture amongst visitors.

Full professional programme

A record number of 175,000 publishing professionals (up 16.7%) attended the Fair and the BIBF busy schedule of professional events, ranging from the one-day Beijing International Publishing Forum to a 2-day intensive induction programme for new exhibitors.  The ‘first steps in publishing’ programme involved presentations from all the major Chinese publishers and visits to bookshops, designed to provide insight and understanding of the market in the short time available.

Other Fair activities included mini-exhibitions, lectures, seminars, salons and book launches with a total of 1,186 cultural events.  More than 320,000 visitors attended over the five-day period.

OrganizerChina National Publications Import & Export(Group)Corporation



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