
Launch of NZSA’s new Mentorships for Kaituhi Māori

Image of NZSA logo in te Reo Māori

A tono for kaituhi Māori across the motu: apply to be mentored by an established and acclaimed Māori writer!

The new Kaituhi Māori Mentorship Programme gives emerging writers who whakapapa Māori the opportunity to work closely with an acclaimed Māori writer as their mentor to hone their tuhituhi ability and, in the process, evolve and refine a work toward a publishable state.

Modelled on a tuakana-teina relationship, this kaupapa aims to offer a safe and supportive space for emerging kaituhi to develop their craft; gain encouragement and accountability, along with substantive feedback.

Over a period of up to six months, this programme provides opportunities to discuss ideas and issues – practical and editorial – and benefit from the experience, mōhio and mana of experienced kaituhi Māori. It is designed to help aspiring kaituhi Māori develop further skills to sustain and strengthen them throughout their future career.  As well as mentorship, part of this programme is to provide constructive suggestions for the refinement of a work in progress.

Mentoring can take place either kanohi ki te kanohi, by telephone, zoom, email or a combination thereof. Location therefore is no barrier to entry!

Our mentors consists of acclaimed Māori writers including Cassie Hart, Emma Hislop, Steph Makitu, Kiri Piaihana-Wong and Jacquie McRae.

This programme is open to all kaituhi who whakapapa Māori – we welcome applications from both NZSA members and non-NZSA members.
Successful applicants will not only secure a mentorship, but will also receive a year’s free membership to the NZSA (if you are already an NZSA member you will receive an additional year’s membership renewal)..

This programme aims to support the amplification of Māori voices, Māori stories, and ultimately see greater publication and performance of these works.

Applications open 20 February 2024.

To find out more including how to apply: https://authors.org.nz/kaituhi-maori-mentorship/

This NZSA Programme for kaituhi Māori is made possible with the support of Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage. Ngā mihi nunui ki a rātou.

Manatū Taonga | Ministry of Culture and Heritage

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