Ministry of Culture and Heritage – Long Term Insights Briefing

The Long-Term Insights Briefing, a future-focused report we launched last week, outlines a range of options and opportunities for the Ministry to support the long-term vitality of the sector. We were extremely grateful for the valuable insights provided by more than 150 organisations and individuals who contributed to this briefing.

One of the themes which came up was climate change. Clearly, this is a topic that is front of mind for people working in the cultural sector, especially given recent weather events. Creatives are keen to see the sector operate in a more sustainable way, and there are real concerns about how we protect heritage and taonga in coastal areas, for example. I invite you to read the briefing and think about how the priorities it outlines align with your work and what matters to you. There will be opportunities to share your thoughts with us when we revisit this later in the year.

This weekend, however, I’m looking forward to commemorating Waitangi Day and would like to give a shout-out to some of the many events we have had the privilege of supporting up and down the motu. Be sure to check if there’s something happening in your community.

Although it seems to have been a rocky start to the year, I remain optimistic about the cultural sector. As a Ministry, we will be here to support you, the arts, culture and heritage communities, to help ensure culture in Aotearoa New Zealand thrives.



Ki te puāwai te ahurea, Ka ora te iwi  
Culture is thriving, The people are well

Ngā manaakitanga o te wā,

Leauanae Laulu Mac Leauanae
Tumu Whakarae, Chief Executive of Manatū Taonga

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