National Flash Fiction Day 2021 is OPEN

NFFD 2021 is open! 

The competition runs February 15 – April 15.

Submit your best 300-word stories!


The judges for the 2021 competition are acclaimed poet Diane Brown and
prize-winning novelist, essayist and anthologist Paula Morris.  

The youth competition moved in 2020 to an international competition with free entry – guest judged in 2021 by poet Kerry Lane and curated by the youth journal fingers comma toes.  All youth writers welcome!
Note that the youth comp, for ages up to 19, has no competition fee and is international! Please share the news!

And watch for the international 2021 MICRO MADNESS competition – coming soon! Judges and more information will be announced in the March news, but start writing your micros! No theme/ up to 100 words. You can find last year’s micros here.
NFFD events will take place 22 June 2021 in AucklandChristchurchDunedin, Northland, Waikato and Wellington with international online events as well.

Watch this space!

National Flash Fiction Day NZ / 22 June 2021

  • Events in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Northland, Waikato and Wellington
  • Guest readers, prizes and more
  • Online international events
  • Watch for updates:

Find Out More

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