Aotearoa NZ book review site to launch


“A new long-form book review site launches on Wednesday 22 March: the Aotearoa NZ Review of Books, based on the model of the Sydney Review of Books and the LA Review of Books. Edited by Paula Morris, the site will publish around eight reviews a month, on Wednesdays and Fridays, and cover all genres: fiction, nonfiction and poetry, including writing for children/YA. 

The site’s kaupapa is high-quality, informed writing for a general audience. Established with seed funding from the University of Auckland, the ANZRB has already run a series of webinars for over 60 writers – aspiring reviewers as well as current reviewers seeking professional development. Thirteen of those reviewers were selected for mentorships from experienced editors: Eleanor Black, Steve Braunias, Mark Broatch, Paula Morris and Guy Somerset.

The entire review archive of the Academy of NZ Literature will transfer to the new ANZRB site, each tagged and categorised for easy searching. The ANZL has returned to its original kaupapa of weekly features on its web site, and e-samplers to promote its members and their work. Recent features include a career-spanning interview with Fiona Farrell; an article on ‘best first book’ awards including memories from Patricia Grace, Witi Ihimaera and Alan Duff; and a wide-ranging round table that links to the ANZL’s e-sampler Taste of Clouds: NZ Writers Encounter Japan. This week the ANZL will publish a feature for International Women’s Day, with nine NZ writers talking about the women – and books – that have influenced them.

The new ANZRB commissions reviews at least two months in advance: commissions are now in progress for May. Any publishers not yet in touch with Paula Morris can contact her at ”

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