
New Zealand Historical Association Prizes 2023 announced

Best Postgraduate essay prize:

Ereni Pūtere, ‘Te Aho Mutuka Kore: The Role of Weaving in Māori Memory’

Mary Boyd Prize for the best article on any aspect of New Zealand history published in a refereed journal:

Martin George Holmes, “Rise and Fall of the Brotherhood of St Andrew in the Anglican Diocese of Dunedin: Charting the American Influence in New Zealand’s Religious History”, Journal of Religious History Vol. 24, No. 1, March 2023, pp. 27-47.

Erik Olssen Prize Shortlist and Winner

  1. Lucy Mackintosh, Shifting Grounds: Deep Histories of Tamaki Makaurau Auckland (Bridget Williams Books)
  2. Ned Fletcher, The English Text of the Treaty of Waitangi (Bridget Williams Books)
  3. Rowan Light, ANZAC Nations: The Legacy of Gallipoli in New Zealand and Australia 1965-2015 (Otago University Press)

WH Oliver Prize Shortlist and Winners   

  • 1. Rachel Buchanan Te Motunui Epa (Bridget Williams Books) and Paul Diamond, Downfall: The Destruction of Charles Mackay (Massey University Press)
  • 2. Lucy Mackintosh, Shifting Grounds: Deep Histories of Tāmaki Makauru Auckland (Bridget Williams Books)
  • 3. Claire Regnault, Dressed: Fashionable Dress in Aotearoa New Zealand 1840 to 1910 (Te Papa Press)

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