
NFFD judges talk about the small form, with tips!

The 2022 National Flash Fiction Day (NFFD) competition is open a few more weeks! So send your best 300 words. And find out insights and tips from the judges here! New interviews with this year’s NFFD judges Kiri Piahana-Wong and Anne Kennedy (adult) and Jack Remiel Cottrell (youth)

The 2022 judges for the national competition are acclaimed poets and storytellers Anne Kennedy and Kiri Piahana-Wong.

The international youth competition is an international competition with free entry — guest judged in 2022 by Jack Remiel Cottrell and curated by the youth journal fingers comma toes.

Note that the youth comp, for ages up to 19, has no competition fee and is international! Please share the news!

More about this year’s judges can be found on the NFFD Competition page.


We are keeping a close watch on Covid developments, but we will host a series of events, with a clear online programme planned in the event of being unable to gather in June. For now, mark your calendars and watch this space for more news around events.

We’ll be celebrating in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Northland, Waikato and Wellington. With guest readers, prizes and more and a special series of online international event.

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