
Nine to Noon Short Story Competition

UPDATE: Radio NZ will now be paying their normal broadcast fee to the 5 winners, following our advocacy for creative rights. creativerights.co.nz

Welcome to the first ever Nine to Noon Short Story Competition, judged by acclaimed authors Tina Makereti and Harry Ricketts.  

Entries open August 30 and close on October 1, 2021.

The top five winners will be announced on Friday 29 October, and those stories will be recorded and broadcast on Nine to Noon in November.

Nine to Noon host Kathryn Ryan says she’s excited about the competition. “Nine to Noon has a long history of supporting New Zealand writing and writers. We’re looking forward to seeing what our brilliant listeners do with the written word.”

“A great short story gives us a glimpse into a life so immediate that we feel we know both that person and their world,” says Harry Ricketts.

“I love how a short story, by being very very specific and precise in terms of time, place and character, can open out the world in an expansive way,” says Tina Makereti.

“Short stories leave us with a sense of unknown at the same time as they try to name what is known. I love that paradox.”

Terms & conditions:

The competition is open to anyone 16 years and older, and has a 2,000 word limit.

No stories which have previously been published can be entered.

Only one entry per writer.

Stories will be anonymised for judging.

Not open to RNZ employees.

By entering this competition, you agree that RNZ can make a recording of the story to use on radio and online, as well as publishing the story on our the RNZ website.

Photo Credit: RNZ

NB NZSA warning: It seems there is no prize except ‘exposure’, with RNZ taking the print and broadcast rights. Is it a prize therefore or an opportunity to gain free content?



  1. Christine Griffiths says

    Many thanks to PEN, WeCreate, Reading Room etc for advocating for payment for the winners of this competition on behalf of writers around New Zealand. I am one of the five winners of this short story comp and, while absolutely thrilled that my story will be adapted for radio and broadcast soon, I am also very happy that I will be paid for the use of my work. Writing fiction is not just a happy little hobby and writers are not always content with a whiff of exposure only before they go back to feeding on grass and drinking from puddles. They should be paid like any other contractor and I am grateful that RNZ has done so.

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