
Nominations invited for Creative New Zealand’s prestigious literature, ngā toi Māori and Pacific arts awards


Creative New Zealand is calling for nominations for three prestigious annual awards, each recognising the valued contributions of some of our country’s most talented artists: The Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement, Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi (Te Waka Toi Awards), and the Arts Pasifika Awards.

“Now more than ever it is important to unite and be uplifted, taking time to recognise, celebrate and honour some of our top artists and practitioners, for their achievements via our annual awards,” says Creative New Zealand Chief Executive Stephen Wainwright.

“Given the volatility of the COVID-19 environment, we are yet to finalise exactly what each official awards event or presentation will look like. This will be worked through and shared in due course but, in the meantime, we invite New Zealanders to nominate artists they recognise as deserving of these awards.”

Anyone can make a nomination for the Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi (Te Waka Toi Awards) and the Arts Pasifika Awards, and artists are also welcome to nominate themselves. For the Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement, New Zealand citizens, residents and organisations can make a nomination, and writers are also welcome to nominate themselves.

Those nominated must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents, and each of the awards have further specific eligibility criteria. See our website for further information on who’s eligible, how to nominate someone and how award recipients are chosen.

Nominations need to be submitted via email by the following dates (listed in order of closing date):

Across the three different award groups, nominations will be assessed by external panels representative of the relevant community who are also registered peer assessors with expertise in the relevant artform(s). The panels’ recommendations will be forwarded to the Arts Council of Creative New Zealand for approval in late August (in the case of Te Waka Toi Awards, the Arts Council’s Komiti Māori will approve the recommended recipients).

As in previous years, we intend to hold separate events for each of the three awards later in the year, with details yet to be worked through – including aligning with Government COVID-19 alert levels at that time. So far, Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi (Te Waka Toi Awards) has been confirmed for November and will have a strong digital element this year, with details to be confirmed closer to the time.

Waiho rā kia tū takitahi ana ngā whetū o te rangi, ka whakanuia.
Let’s wait until the stars in the sky align and then celebrate.


Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement 2020

Nominations close 1pm, Friday 3 July

The annual Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement recognise New Zealand writers who have made a significant contribution to New Zealand literature in the genres of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

One award of $60,000 is made each year for each of the three categories. Writers can also nominate themselves.

  • Fiction
    Any genre, including novels, short stories, plays, children’s fiction, and scriptwriting.
  • Non-fiction
    Any non-fiction discipline is acceptable, with the quality of the work being the main determinant.
  • Poetry

Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement 2020 and how to nominate

Past recipients of Prime Minister’s Awards for Literary Achievement


Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi 2020 (Te Waka Toi Awards)

Nominations close 1pm, Friday 10 July

Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi, the annual Te Waka Toi Awards, celebrate and recognise the artistic excellence, achievement and contribution of Māori artists working in customary and contemporary Māori arts in Aotearoa.

This year, a new award – Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa – has been created to recognise the contribution of a leading Māori artist with the lived experience of disability. Other changes include an increase in the monetary value of each award, a widening of the range of awards to now offer more recognition of emerging and mid-career artists and, for the first time, public nominations invited for three of the five award categories.

The three award categories open to public nomination are listed below:

  • Ngā Tohu Hautūtanga Auaha Toi – Making a Difference (previously Te Tohu Toi Kē a Te Waka Toi)
    Amount: $10,000 each – three recipients
    Recognises leadership and outstanding contribution to the development of new directions in Māori art.
  • Ngā Manu Pīrere
    $10,000 each – three recipients
    Recognises an emerging artist showing promise and potential in their chosen artform. The purpose of the award is to recognise achievement at the developmental stage, supporting the artist to develop their arts career in their chosen field.
  • Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa
     $10,000 – one recipient
    Recognises the contribution of a Māori artist with the lived experience of disability to the standing, and standard of Māori arts in New Zealand and/or globally.

Recipients of the two award categories recognising senior practitioners – Te Tohu Aroha mō Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu Exemplary/Supreme Award (one recipient) and Ngā Tohu ā Tā Kingi Ihaka /Sir Kingi Ihaka Awards recognising lifetime contribution (two recipients) – will continue to be selected through Komiti Māori of the Arts Council.

Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi 2020 and how to nominate

Past Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi winners


Arts Pasifika Awards 2020

Nominations close 1pm, Friday 10 July

The annual Arts Pasifika Awards recognise excellence and innovation in Pacific Arts and its contribution to the rich diversity of our multicultural Pacific nation.

The award categories are listed below (one recipient for each award):

  • Senior Pacific Artist Award $25,000
    Recognises the contribution of a senior established Pasifika artist in maintaining or developing their artform in New Zealand.
  • Pacific Toa Award $10,000
    Established last year, recognises the contribution of a Pasifika artist with the lived experience of disability to Pacific arts nationally or globally.
  • Pacific Heritage Arts Award $10,000
    Recognises a major contribution by a Pasifika artist or cultural group towards maintaining, reviving or promoting a Pacific heritage artform in New Zealand. Artforms include language, dancemusic, weaving, tatau and vaka.
  • Contemporary Pacific Artist Award $10,000
    Recognises a Pasifika artist who has demonstrated artistic innovation in their arts practice. The artist must have a track-record of excellence and achievement, with priority given to those who can show they push the boundaries of their practice.
  • Special Recognition Award $10,000
    Recognising a special contribution to the standing, and standard, of Pacific arts locally or internationally. It recognises an individual whose work, influence and commitment has raised the standards, expectations and reputation of Pacific art and artists. It may be awarded across any artform or for arts management. It could be for a one-off or ongoing contribution to a local or international success story.
  • Emerging Pacific Artist Award $7,500
    Recognising an emerging Pasifika artist showing promise and potential. The purpose of this award is to recognise achievement at this developmental stage, and to help them to develop their career.
  • Iosefa Enari Memorial Award $7,500
    Recognising the contribution of the late Iosefa Enari to the arts and in particular his pioneering role in Pacific opera. The award supports the career development of a Pasifika singer, musician or composer across all classical genres and career stages.

Arts Pasifika Awards 2020 and how to nominate

Past Arts Pasifika Award recipients

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