
NorthTec Writing Programmes in 2020 – Enrolling now!

NorthTec Writing Programmes in 2020 – Enrolling now!

Want to make 2020 the year you finally chase that dream of becoming a writer? NorthTec can help you get there with its highly acclaimed programmes in Applied Writing.

Our programmes are ideal for people who wish to work independently as writers, for those already working in the creative industries who wish to enhance/upgrade their skills, and for those working in other industries who wish to improve their writing skills to allow higher-level employment.

NorthTec offers qualifications up to level 7 in applied writing:

What you will learn

New Zealand Diploma in Writing for Creative Industries (Level 5)

With this programme, you will learn broad theoretical and technical knowledge and skills relevant to creative and applied writing that will enable you to work in the writing sector, in relation to publishing, broadcasting, performance and digital platforms, and other businesses and organisations.

In this programme you will learn to:

  • Select and apply writing principles and processes (planning, analysis, research, drafting, editing and rewriting) to produce original outputs for specific audiences (print, broadcasting, performance and digital platforms) in the creative industries, and other businesses and organisations.
  • Apply professional, legal and ethical principles in a socially responsible manner to writing practice.
  • Work independently or as part of a team to fulfil customer requirements, meet deadlines, work to a brief and solve problems in order to develop and complete writing projects.

New Zealand Diploma in Creative Writing (Level 6)

Through studying this programme, you will learn a range of specialist writing skills and strategies that will enable you to apply professional principles and practices to produce original writing outputs that meet the specific requirements of creative industries.

In this programme you will learn to:

  • Apply theoretical and specialist knowledge of creative writing skills, strategies, and processes to develop and produce original outputs for a selected audience, platform or purpose.
  • Analyse problems and generate solutions, as applicable to the creation of targeted outputs for the creative industries.
  • Work independently or as part of a team to critically evaluate your own work and that of others.
  • Leadership and professional business practice to manage projects/briefs and maintain currency of industry knowledge in order to work within the creative writing industry.

Diploma in Advanced Applied Writing (Level 7)

With this programme, you will learn to integrate the skills and understanding of one genre into a major work of original composition. You’ll be able to complete a major work of original text (novel, play, short story collection etc.) guided by an industry mentor in your chosen field.

In this programme you will learn to:

  • Complete a major work of original text
  • Prepare annotated book reviews
  • Reflect on their own writing process
  • Facilitate a workshop

Find out more: https://www.northtec.ac.nz/programmes/applied-writing

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