NZ Author – Autumn 2022

NZ Author – Autumn 2022 – Issue 328 is out!

This edition contains references to our new NZSA Writer Toolkit.

If this sounds like a promotional plug, damn right it is. As Omicron starts filtering into our community, I’m even more aware of the importance of such initiatives. The first lockdown taught arts organisations a lot about how to keep connecting… to be responsive and innovative, and the NZSA Writer Toolkit is a great example of this new mode of operating,” says Editor Tina Shaw.

You’ll also learn about how critical it is to accurately price your book and more!

NZ Author is emailed to all members. To read NZ Author, simply become a member. As a member, you can download the latest issue of the New Zealand Author or link to the latest issue on our website (you’ll need to log in). We also have an e-book version that can be opened on your tablet, ipad or phone, with a compatible app. Or you can read by subscribing separately to NZ Author.

Cover art
The cover art for this issue – Book Shelves – is by Marie Shannon, 2021 . Courtesy of Trish Clark Gallery

Contents of this issue:
EDITOR’S NOTE Tina Shaw; GREAT GAINS President’s Report from Mandy Hager; CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT Jenny Nagle; GOVERNANCE REPORT Vanda Symon; NEW YEAR HONOURS; GOOD FELLOWS Recipients of the Grimshaw Sargeson Fellowship; UNDISCOVERED GEMS Allen & Unwin’s new fiction writing prize; VALUING YOUR WORK Nicky Webber on selecting the right price for your book; ACCESS FOR EVERYBODY What does “welcoming” look like if you have a disability? By Trish Harris and Robyn Hunt; HAND BUILT About Conversātiō from Massey University Press; SINGULAR ADVENTURES David Herkt on poet Leigh Davis; SLANG AND CODES Angus McLean on writing NZ police procedurals; LITERACY GAPS IN THE DIET The importance of a book purchasing quota in schools by Susan Battye; READING IS A TREAT Read NZ’s campaign promoting summer reading by Melissa Wastney; LIGHT IN OUR MINDS A half-century for Read NZ  by Kathryn Carmody; FABULOUS MANUSCRIPTS Catherine Wallace on her new role as local literary agent; CUBAN REBELLION Protest, violence and censorship in Cuba by Lesley Marshall; CLASSIFIEDS

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