
NZ Author Magazine – Winter 2022

NZ Author – Winter 2022 – Issue 329 is out!

This edition has everything. We say goodbye to our three-year strong President Mandy Hager; we welcome Helena Andrews to the role of Youth Representative on the NZSA National Board; we celebrate NZSA Writer Toolkit, our live and interactive Webworkshops, Māori writers at Kupu 22 Māori Writers’ Festival, Tessa Duder’s inspiring Janet Frame Memorial Lecture, NZSA Regional Roadshow being back on the road, and much more!

I feel gratified that the organisation I’m handing over is in a more robust state than when I began nearly three years ago. The updating of our constitution has allowed us to bring a Te Ao Māori member on to the board and Kim Harris’s leadership on this has been exemplary. It has enabled us to look at new ways of engaging with Māori members, and we are now reaching out to the Pasifika community. We’re also bringing a Youth Representative on board, another great step to ensure we’re listening to all our members’ voices,President Mandy Hager says farewell.

And are you on BookTok? Learn why the book-sharing community on TikTok could help to promote your book.

NZ Author is emailed to all members. To read NZ Author, simply become a member. As a member, you can download the latest issue of the New Zealand Author or link to the latest issue on our website (you’ll need to log in). We also have an e-book version that can be opened on your tablet, ipad or phone, with a compatible app. Or you can read by subscribing separately to NZ Author.

Cover art
The cover art for this issue – Past One – is by Auckland-based Elliot Stewart. He garnered a reputation for his often offbeat cartoon-based graffiti and quickly established himself as the foremost talent in character-based work in aerosol. His early shows allowed him to showcase elaborate and influential illustrative works often created on found objects in common house paint and ballpoint pen.

Contents of this issue:
FEEDBACK; EDITOR’S NOTE Tina Shaw; BEING A COLLECTIVE VOICE President’s Report from Mandy Hager; CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT Jenny Nagle; GOVERNANCE REPORT Vanda Symon; MYRIAD OF BENEFITS Introducing Helena Andrews; DIANA NOONAN Recipient of the Storylines Margaret Mahy Medal; CELEBRATING MĀORI WRITERS Kupu 22 Māori Writers’ Festival; WORKS OF ART Latest offerings from Going West; OUTSTANDING MAHI Introducing Kim Meredith; COINCIDENTAL ELEMENTS Copyright matters by Karen Workman; A PIVOTAL FORCE Nicky Webber on recent promotion of Read NZ books internationally; PROMOTING KIWI AUTHORS Why isn’t New Zealand fiction selling? by Louise Ward; UNABASHED PROMOTION Meghan Doherty considers book promotion on BookTok; OWN VOICES Jacqui Penny on cultural writing and the use of sensitivity readers; FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH NZSA professional development by Jacqui Penny; POWER OF THE WORD On written and spoken English by Graeme Lay; INSPIRING LECTURE About the Janet Frame Memorial Lecture; SHARED READING David Hill considers the joys of reading; CULTURAL SOLIDARITY Letter from the President of PEN International; CLASSIFIEDS

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