
NZ’s national writer-residency organisation announces its 2023 International Residency with Australia

 The Michael King Writers Centre in association with Varuna, The National Writers’ House in Katoomba, NSW, Australia is pleased to announce for the second time, a residency in Australia for New Zealand writers.


The writer awarded the residency will receive return flights to Sydney, assistance with domestic travel,  four weeks accommodation and meals at Varuna, a NZ$4,000 stipend and the opportunity to appear at the Blue Mountains Writers’ Festival. The residency is from 25 September to 22 October 2023.

Applications open Wednesday 8 March and close Monday 10 April. For the application form and more details see: https://writerscentre.org.nz/application-varuna-australia-residency-2023/


* We actively seek and encourage all writers – diverse in age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective – to apply.

* The residency is open to mid-career or established writers who have had a book published in the last two years.

An Australian writer will be selected to hold the reciprocal residency for four weeks residency, in October at the Michael King Writers Centre in Auckland.

This International Writers Residency Program is supported by Varuna Writers’ House and for the stipend and a contribution towards travel.

Chair of the Board of Trustees, Melanie Laville-Moore says The Michael King Writers Centre Trust is so proud of the growing relationship with Australia’s Varuna House. To enable a New Zealand writer the time and experience of writing in Katoomba is very special, as too the opportunity in return to host an Australian writer at the Signalman’s house in Devonport. We are so grateful to Copyright Licensing New Zealand for recognising the value and supporting this unique cross-Tasman initiative’.

For more information on the exchange see Michael King Writers Centre Website.

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