NZSA Canterbury Branch Annual Heritage Book & Writing Awards 2019 – shortlists announced

Awards Ceremony October 24

Canterbury Branch Annual Heritage Book & Writing Awards 2019

The NZ Heritage Book Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday 24 October 2019 7 – 9pm at St Michael and All Angels 99 Oxford Tce.

The standard this year is exceptionally high. NZSA Canterbury have received 72 Heritage Book entries and 30 Writing – short prose and poetry – entries.

The judges this year are Stevan Eldred-Grigg, Paddy Richardson, Paul Maunder and Te Awhina Arahanga.

The short lists for the nonfiction and fiction NZ Heritage Books, short prose and poetry NZ Heritage Writing awards are attached.

Come and listen to the winning writers read their work and hear the reports of the judges. All welcome.

Non-Fiction Short List

Rising from the Rubble: a health system’s extraordinary response to the Canterbury earthquakes, Michael Ardagh and Joanne Deely,  Canterbury University Press

Colonial Businesswomen in New Zealand, Catherine Bishop, Otago University Press

Galleries of Maoriland: Artists, Collectors and the Maori Woirld, 1880-1910, Roger Blackley,  Auckland University Press

Past Caring? Women, Work and Emotion, Barbara Brookes, Jane McCabe and Angela Wanhalla (eds), Otago University Press

Filming the Colonial Past: The New Zealand Wars on Screen, Annabel Cooper,  Otago University Press

Pathway of the Birds, Andrew Crowe, University of Hawai’i Press

Dead Letters: Censorship and Subversion in New Zealand 1914-1920, Jared Davidson,  Otago University Press

Beyond Manapouri: 50 years of environmental politics in New Zealand, Catherine Knight,  Canterbury University Press

Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Toby Morris, Ross Calman, Mark Derby and Piripi Walker,  Lift Education e Tu

The New Zealand Wars; Nga Pakanga o Aotearoa, Vincent O’Malley,  Bridget Williams Books

Sport and the New Zealanders: A History, Greg Ryan and Geoff Watson,  Auckland University Press

New Zealand and the Sea, Frances Steel (ed),  Bridget Williams Books

Fiction Short List

The Ash, The Well and The Bluebell– Sandra Arnold-Makaro Press

Inangahua Gold-Kathleen Gallagher-Kingfisher Publishing

Province of Danger-Ray Grover-Quentin Wilson Publishing

Purakau- Maori Myths Retold-edited Witi Ihimaera, Whiti Hereaka-Vintage

The Imaginary Lives of James Poneke- Tina Makereti-Vintage

Loving Sylvie-Elisabeth Smither-Allen and Unwin

Fiction Special Mention

Kindred-Tony Chapelle-Rangitawa Publishing

The Telegram– Phillippa Werry-Pipi Press

Poetry Collections- Special Award

Selected Poems– Brian Turner-Victoria University Press

View from the South- Owen Marshall/ photographs by Grahame Sydney-Vintage

Short Prose Short List

Her Artful Memory   Sugu Pilay

Hundertwasser in New Zealand  Jenny Haworth

Nga Whakawehe Vaughan Rapatajan

Titiro Whakamuri, Kokiri Whakamua-

Look Back and Reflect, Then You Can Move Forward  Sue Kingham

The Missing  Janet Wainscott

Ali Comes to New Zealand  Ky Buckingham

Poetry Short list

Tearing the Jive Centre by Tremolo

Rapaki by Eve Barlowe

Tremelo by Tremolo

Ngati Moki by Kathleen Gallagher

Huts by Jillian Sullivan

Hiraeth by Wendy Cheyne

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