NZSA Peter & Dianne Beatson Fellowship information

This annual fellowship is generously donated by Peter Beatson and provides the successful applicant with a stipend of $10,000

Terms & Conditions

  1. The award is open to writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama who are members of the New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA) and who are currently working on a new project.
  2. It is envisaged that the award will be given to a mid-career or senior writer and preference will be given to applicants with a substantial literary track record of publications. For the purposes of this award, a mid-career writer is defined as having published or produced a minimum of three stand-alone works. Senior writers will have a more significant publishing history.
  3. Applications are sent to a selection panel of suitably qualified people.
  4. There is a $35 application fee to cover administration costs.
  5. The NZSA Peter and Dianne Beatson Fellowship must be acknowledged in any publication it has helped to foster.
  6. The closing date for applications is midnight, 20 August 2024. Results will be announced in October.
  7. The recipient is given contact details for Peter Beatson to arrange payment of the stipend.
  8. The recipient is required to provide a report on how the fellowship was used by June of the following year.
  9. There is an onus on the recipient to keep the NZSA informed about subsequent publication of the project worked on during the fellowship.
  10. The recipient agrees to the use of their name, project details and brief extract from the work (to be approved by the recipient) in the promotion of the award

Selection panel criteria

The selection panel will take into consideration:

  • How the award will be used in relation to the project which the applicant will be working on during the fellowship
  • The project will show a high level of literary merit and national significance

Aspects of the project taken into account will include:

  • Style
  • Genre
  • Content
  • Interpretation of theme
  • Level of interest of the subject matter
  • Commercial viability
  • The current stage of the project
  • The panel may consider any other factors deemed appropriate.