
NZSA Roadshows – On The Road Again

The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (NZSA) is heading out, taking regional roadshows to Auckland Tāmaki Makau-rau, Napier Ahuriri and Taranaki New Plymouth.

Writing is a solitary art – and NZSA has always provided a way for writers to get together, share experiences and learn to fine-tune their craft. Following two COVID years of erratic events and cancelled branch and national meets, the NZSA Roadshows are a way for writers to re-connect and learn together how to embrace a future from a devastated arts sector.The 1-day roadshow events offer masterclasses, panels and workshops that offer stimulating, practical, presentations and discussions from some of New Zealand’s most experienced authors and industry professionals. As Man-Booker prize-winner Eleanor Catton says: “I think that a workshop is such a beautiful idea – an environment in which writers who are collectively apprenticed to the craft of writing can come together in order to collectively improve”.

The 2022 roadshows kicks off with an opening kōrero with NZSA 2022-2023 President of Honour Witi Ihimaera, who is celebrating 50 years as a writer. His 50 years of NZSA membership coincides with the formation of a ninth NZSA branch to support Māori writers. Witi’s kōrero focuses on his writing craft, and how he writes and structures his work.

Kia ora whānau. Someone once said, ‘Witi Ihimaera is a construct.’ And in many ways that’s true because over my 50 years as a published writer I have constructed a persona, a craft, a toolkit to solve writing problems, a career and the stamina to stick with it. While I have written books, what I have really done is write a career. I’m looking forward to sharing my mātauranga at this year’s roadshows, nau mai, haere mai,” he says.

NZSA President Dr Vanda Symon agrees: “It will be wonderful to be back in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland with the roadshow, and very special to have our President of Honour, Witi Ihimeara, there to talk on the 50th anniversary of his publication of Pounamu Pounamu, the first work of fiction published in Aotearoa by a Māori writer.

Sessions on Poetry, Creating Characters, Structuring the Narrative Arc, Flash Fiction, Research and non-fiction, self-publishing, editing or marketing and international markets are included in the shows, which have already travelled to Whāngarei and Wellington Whanganui-a-Tara, and hit the South Island later in the year.

NZSA is looking forward to its first roadshow in Tāmaki-makau-rau, as the 2021 event was cancelled. After isolations and lockdowns, there is a yearning for writers to reconnect. NZSA has a long tradition of helping and upskilling writers in both the craft and the business of writing. Nearing its 90th year in NZ as an NFP organisation, NZSA knows the import of collegiality and professional association.

“We have something for everybody, from Masterclasses to panels and talks, offering expert advice for all writers, including those who are just dipping their toes in the writing stream. Numbers are limited for the masterclasses to allow for deep dives; workshops and panels enable discussions, and there is social time for writers to connect,” said NZSA CE Jenny Nagle, who offers free one-on-one contract advice during the day.

“The whole concept of a Roadshow is great!” said a 2022 Wellington participant.

“I am very grateful that the NZSA exists. My experience to date is that everyone seems to be so helpful,” said another.

It’s difficult to find just one highlight. I attended masterclasses by … and both were exceptional. It was lovely to connect with other writers too. Actually, there was a highlight, in Paula Morris’ address when she made us all welcome and included us all in the writerly community.”

The NZSA Roadshows are for all writers, at any stage of their career, across all genres. If you love to write, the NZSA is there to support you. These in-person Regional Roadshow events complement other professional development opportunities the NZSA  offers through their fortnightly Webworkshop online masterclasses and Writers Toolkit digital programme.

NZSA Roadshow tickets are now on sale for the next 3 shows: Auckland July 30 HERE; Napier August 20 HERE; New Plymouth HERE. Or through the NZSA website. These events are fully catered and designed to be affordable, with special pricing for students and members.

Auckland July 30;  Napier August 20;  New Plymouth September 10
For more information see www.authors.org.nz

About: The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) was established in 1934 as the New Zealand PEN Centre, and it remains the principal organisation for New Zealand writers. It is a membership-based arts organisation, representing over 1,800 writers nationally. For over 30 years, the organisation campaigned for a Public Lending Right to compensate authors for the loss of royalties for free public access via library use of their books. In 1973, the Authors’ Fund was introduced by Norman Kirk. The Society works closely with our industry partners and Creative New Zealand to ensure that the professional interests of writers are strongly represented. NZSA is a non-profit Incorporated Society, governed by a Board supported by its national office, with a national network of 9 branches.  www.authors.org.nz

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