The NZSA is deeply concerned about the website Ebook Bike ( which allows users to freely download books, including by New Zealand authors. The NZSA joins the Australia Society of Authors and the UK Society of Authors in condemning Ebook Bike’s free distribution of books. By undertaking this activity without either seeking permission or providing fair payment to the creators, Ebook Bike is undermining and in breach of copyright and legitimate ebooks sales. A quick search of the Ebook Bike site shows users can freely download books from Eleanor Catton, Maurice Gee, Eileen Merriman, Paul Cleave and Steve Braunias. We are seeing an increasing number of sites copying and distributing authors’ work without permission. As we stated recently in relation to the Internet Archive’s Open Library, it is very difficult for writers to earn a living from writing, and these sites ultimately jeopardise writers’ abilities to build creative careers. On behalf of all New Zealand writers, we have written to Ebook Bike to request it remove infringing material from its site. We encourage you to take action too. We suggest all members takethe following steps: 1. Search the Ebook Bike site to check if your copyright work is being made available for unlawful download. 2. If so, notify your publisher. 3. Either you, or your publisher, click on the button saying “Submit DMCA” and complete the online DMCA form requesting the removal of your book from the Ebook Bike site. 4. Some authors are reporting that the DMCA link doesn’t work or is a token link which fails to generate action. Therefore, an alternative is to write directly to Ebook Bike at Here is some text you can adapt. Dear Ebook Bike I am the author and copyright owner of [title and, if possible, additional identifying information such as ISBNs.] My exclusive publisher is [insert name of publisher.] From a search of your website,, I can see that, without my permission, my book(s) have been copied and are available for downloading by members of the public, including in New Zealand. I have a good faith belief that the use of this material in such a fashion is not authorised by me, or my publisher, or my agent or the law. Please remove my book(s) from your website and any other website(s) owned or controlled by you, as soon as possible. My book(s) can be found at: [provide URL for each book] I attest, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in this notification is accurate. I may be contacted by the following methods: [(include all) physical address, telephone number, and email address]. Regards [provide e-signature or type full legal name] Check website |
NZSA warns of yet another free e-book site