Ockham Collective 2022 residency

If you enjoy operating at the intersection of creativity and education and need space to put your ideas into action, join the Ockham Collective’s annual residency programme in 2022.

What is the OC?
The Ockham Collective is a charitable trust with a kaupapa of supporting lifelong creativity and education. Our support is direct: we offer space in three beautiful creative precincts to like-minded individuals and groups who want to share their knowledge and ideas with our city, Tāmaki Makaurau/ Auckland. At the core of this is our annual residency programme. In 2021 our extremely talented bunch of residents included a poet, a visual artist, a reo Māori teacher and a diverse selection of musicians – but we’re open to anyone involved in any of the creative arts.

What we offer our creative residents
As part of the 2022 Ockham Collective you’ll have free use of our creative precincts where you can offer lessons, host workshops, run group sessions, exhibit art, rehearse, plan and create. We want our spaces to be filled with interesting people doing interesting things. As well as providing the space for free, we actively promote whatever creative and educational events our OC creatives are involved in, whether they’re held in our precincts or not.

No such thing as a free lunch, you say?
In return, all you’re asked to do is to attend a monthly meal (our shout!) where you can swap ideas and debrief about your current projects with your fellow participants. What you get out of it is very much up to you. We see it is an opportunity to access support and encouragement from your peers, to discuss potential collaborations, to promote each other’s endeavours and, ultimately, to nurture your creativity.

Residencies are typically for a calendar year and are offered at the complete discretion of our trustees. Note: this is not a live-in residency and it doesn’t come with a stipend. You are, however, free to charge whatever price you choose for any lessons and events that you hold in our precincts.

How to apply
If you’re interested in being considered for the 2022 Ockham Collective, apply by email to OC director Peter Dragicevich. Tell us about yourself and how you envisage that you would make use of our spaces if your application is successful.

More about Ockham Collective here

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