• NZSA Live! featuring Penny Hartill

    New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) brings you this special edition of NZSA Live! featuring content from the 2018 National Writers Forum. This episode features a workshop with Penny Hartill about book publicity.
    Like the music? Buy the track from NZ pianist Justin Bird: https://justinbird.bandcamp.com/track/bourree-fantasque-emmanual-chabrier

  • NZSA Live! featuring Panel on The Business of Writing

    New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)brings you this special edition of NZSA Live! featuring content from the 2018 National Writers Forum. This episode features a panel discussion on the business side of writing. The panel included Catherine Robertson, Tracy Farr, Vicki Marsdon and Ranjana Gupta.
    Like the music? Buy the track from NZ pianist Justin Bird: https://justinbird.bandcamp.com/track/bourree-fantasque-emmanual-chabrier

  • NZSA Live! featuring Panel Discussion on Adaptations

    New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)brings you this special edition of NZSA Live! featuring content from the 2018 National Writers Forum. This episode features a panel discussion on adaptations: books into TV and other mediums. The panel included Rhonda Kite, Martin Baynton, Charlotte Grimshaw and was chaired by Samantha Blackley.
    Like the music? Buy the track from NZ pianist Justin Bird: https://justinbird.bandcamp.com/track/bourree-fantasque-emmanual-chabrier

  • NZSA Live! featuring Lynn Jenner

    New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)brings you this special edition of NZSA Live! featuring content from the 2018 National Writers Forum. This episode features a workshop on Writing Process for Essay and Memoir Writers with Lynn Jenner.
    Like the music? Buy the track from NZ pianist Justin Bird: https://justinbird.bandcamp.com/track/bourree-fantasque-emmanual-chabrier

  • NZSA Live! featuring Brannavan Gnanalingam

    New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)brings you this special edition of NZSA Live! featuring content from the 2018 National Writers Forum. This episode features Brannavan Gnanalingam’s workshop on Creating 3D Characters.
    Like the music? Buy the track from NZ pianist Justin Bird: https://justinbird.bandcamp.com/track/bourree-fantasque-emmanual-chabrier

  • NZSA Live! featuring Dr Anita Heiss

    New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) brings you this special edition of NZSA Live! featuring content from the 2018 National Writers Forum. This episode features a keynote address from author Dr Anita Heiss.
    Like the music? Buy the track from NZ pianist Justin Bird: https://justinbird.bandcamp.com/track/bourree-fantasque-emmanual-chabrier

  • NZSA Live! featuring Lani Wendt Young

    New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)brings you this special edition of NZSA Live! featuring content from the 2018 National Writers Forum. This episode features a keynote address by author Lani Wendt Young. 
    Like the music? Buy the track from NZ pianist Justin Bird: https://justinbird.bandcamp.com/track/bourree-fantasque-emmanual-chabrier

  • NZSA Oral History Podcast Series: S3 E3: David Hill

    David Hill has been a full time writer now for over thirty years. However, like many writers he began writing on-the-side while working as a secondary school teacher. Hear how he built and sustained a career in this episode of the NZSA Oral History Podcast.

  • NZSA Oral History Podcast Series S3 E2: Tessa Duder Part 2

    In our last episode, author Tessa Duder talked about her journey through journalism and motherhood and how those roles influenced her development as an author. Along the way Tessa has dedicated herself to issues of authors rights, both as an advocate and in her writing projects. What motivated her in this work is the focus of Part 2 of her 2015 interview with Deborah Shepard.

  • NZSA Oral History Podcast Series S3 E1: Tessa Duder Part 1

    Season 3 of the NZSA Oral History Podcast begins with renown author Tessa Duder. Tessa has published fiction and non-fiction for children and adults both in New Zealand and overseas. In this episode she talks with Deborah Shepard as they chart Tessa’s journey from a cub-reporter to famous novelist and the people who helped and inspired her along the way.

  • NZSA Live! 1: David Hill, 2019 Janet Frame Memorial Lecture

    Welcome to NZSA Live! where we share audio recorded at a variety of New Zealand Society of Authors events. Today’s podcast was recorded at the 2019 Janet Frame Memorial Address given by NZSA President of Honour 2019 – 2020, David Hill.

  • NZSA Oral History Podcast Series S2 E7: Dennis McEldowney

    Dennis McEldowney believed a diary was a better keeper of history than memory. In this final episode for Season 2 he reads from his diary and discusses with Michael King what the diary revealed