Reflex Press – submissions open for Flash Fiction

Autumn 2021 – Open for Entries

Prizes: £1,200 first, £600 second, £300 third, £150 fourth
(approx. $1,700, $850, $425, $215)
Deadline: 31 August 2021
Entry fee: Choose your own!
Judge: Emma Neale


Entry Form

flash fiction submissions


Please use the entry form below for your flash fiction submissions. Please read the Rules before submi

tting your entry. If you experience any difficulties with the entry form, please get in touch with us via the contact page or see the bottom of the page for alternative entry methods.

All long-listed stories will be eligible for publication in the year five print anthology to be published in June 2022. Just tick the permission box when submitting your entry. Featured authors will receive one free copy.

Reflex Press launched in December 2018 as a spin-off from the Reflex flash fiction competition. After two years of running the competition and reading over three thousand pieces of flash fiction from over one thousand authors, they came to an inevitable conclusion: there is a lot of outstanding fiction being written, most of it by unpublished authors, most of whom are destined to remain unpublished.

That’s a situation they want to change. As a small, independent press, they are able to take risks on the forms largely ignored by mainstream publishing: flash fiction, short stories, and novella-length fiction. They’re also not afraid of writing that is challenging, unusual, or just plain weird.

If you’re a writer ready to publish your first book, or if you’ve dipped your toe into the flood of self-publishing and are looking for a traditional publisher for your next book, Reflex Press could be the publisher for you. Visit the submissions page for more details.

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