Sam Irvine appointed as Copyright Licensing NZ Chief Executive

The Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Irvine as Chief Executive of CLNZ.

​A message from CLNZ Board Chairperson Emeritus Professor Pat Walsh


The Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Irvine as Chief Executive of CLNZ. Sam succeeds Paula Browning who is stepping down after 12 years in the role.

An experienced senior leader, Sam has a broad-ranging background which equips him well for the leadership of CLNZ. He is currently the Managing Director of Badger Communications and prior to that, was the Chief Operating Officer of Isthmus Group Ltd. Before this, Sam held senior positions at Freeview New Zealand Ltd, New Zealand’s free-to-air digital television and radio platform.

Sam has proven capability engaging and leading complex shareholding businesses and has worked with boards of directors across a variety of different organisations. He has experience engaging with governmental agencies, including at a ministerial level and also brings experience negotiating high level supply and vendor agreements, and shaping successful high-performance culture with various organisations.

“I’m excited to lead CLNZ, an organisation that places real value on people and culture, into the next phase of growth,” he says. “I’m passionate about using technology and design to improve the way we do business and live our lives. My experience in this space aligns well with the next big step for CLNZ and I’m looking forward to the development and rollout of technology that will help creative people in Aotearoa New Zealand manage their rights in their work.”

Sam’s skills, experience and core values will enable him to lead CLNZ successfully into the future and to build on the great progress achieved under Paula over the last 12 years. On behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome Sam and thank Paula for her inspiring leadership which has placed the organisation in such a strong position for the future.

Sam joins CLNZ as Chief Executive on 17 October 2022.


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