Six Māori writers announced for Te Papa Tupu 2018

 Six aspiring writers have been selected for Te Papa Tupu 2018, a writing programme developed by the M?ori Literature Trust and organised by Huia Publishers.

The chosen writers will spend six months working alongside a mentor to develop their manuscripts and improve their writing skills to meet the end goal of a publishable manuscript. To help writers focus on their writing, they will attend workshops and a national writers’ festival, become part of a writing community and receive a grant to cover costs.

Reina Whaitiri and Whiti Hereaka selected this year’s writers. ‘It was my pleasure and privilege to select the participants for Te Papa Tupu 2018. Congratulations to the six writers who start their journey with the programme. I can’t wait to see what they all make of the opportunity,’ said Whiti Hereaka, writer and trustee of the M?ori Literature Trust.

‘There was a wide range of offerings, some exploring new and exciting topics and some delving into M?ori mythology and history. It is gratifying to know that there are M?ori out there committed to writing and telling our stories in their unique way,’ said Reina Whaitiri, poet, literature teacher and researcher, and previous Te Papa Tupu mentor.

‘There are so many talented storytellers out there; it was truly difficult to narrow it down,’ Whiti said. ‘If this year is not your year, please don’t be discouraged. It took a couple of tries before I was accepted in Te Papa Tupu as a participant in 2012. Keep refining and polishing your work – and submit again.’

Te Papa Tupu 2018 commences in July.

The six writers are:
Ataria Rangipikitia Sharman, (Ng?puhi, Tapuika Te Arawa) Porirua
Cassie Hart, (Ng?i Tahu) New Plymouth
Colleen Maria Lenihan, (Te Rarawa, Ng?puhi) Auckland
Hone Rata, (Ng?ti Maniapoto, Taranaki) New Plymouth
Nadine Hura, (Ng?ti Hine, Ng?puhi) Aotea Park
Shilo Kino, (Ng?puhi, Tainui) Auckland

Writers will have the opportunity to share their experiences through monthly journals published online at

For more information email or call Huia Publishers on 04 473 9262.

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