Speculative Publishing for New Zealand Authors – virtual conference June 26 & 27

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Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 June 2021

This virtual two-day event will provide networking and professional development opportunities around publishing for members of SpecFicNZ. The event aims to increase the visibility of New Zealand’s speculative writers overseas, and give New Zealand speculative authors opportunities to make personal connections that will lead to international success.

Day one will focus on the needs of indie-published authors, and will feature experts in marketing and brand development. Day two will address the needs of authors interested in traditional publishing, and will include agents and publishers who specialise in speculative fiction.

Events will be held on Zoom, and will be free for SpecFicNZ members.

Day 1

10.30 am – noon: Panel discussion–Marketing for writers

Derek Murphy, CreativIndie
Janeen Ippolito, Author, Editor, Marketer, Coach
Gail Carriger, NYT bestselling Author

This panel discussion will focus primarily on indie-publishing, and the marketing opportunities available online and overseas for NZ authors.

12.15 – 1.00 pm: Q&A sessions
Breakout Q&A sessions with each panellist will provide opportunity for in-depth discussion of specific topics.

1.00 – 2.00 pm: Informal Lunch/Dinner/Drinks
Grab a bite or a glass of something and sit down for an informal chat among panellists and participants.

Day 2

10.00 – 11.30 am: Panel discussion–Getting an overseas agent or publisher

Caitlin McDonald, Agent, Donald Maass Agency
Brit Hvide, Editor, Orbit US
Caitlin Blasdell, Agent, Liza Dawson Associates

This panel discussion will focus on authors interested in traditional publishing, looking at strategies for landing an agent or publisher. Panelists will discuss the current state of the market, the traditional publishing process, what is expected of authors, and tips for landing an agent and publishing for overseas authors.

11.45 am – 12.45 pm: Informal Lunch/Dinner/Drinks
Grab a bite or a glass of something and sit down for an informal chat among panellists and participants.

1.00 – 3.00 pm: Pitching sessions
Participants will have an opportunity to sign up for 10-minute one-on-one pitch sessions with panellists, in which they can pitch their latest manuscript, or ask questions about pitching strategies and industry trends.

**Please note: Brit Hvide is not taking pitches, but you can register for a one-on-one Q&A session. If you are interested in pitching to Caitlin McDonald or Caitlin Blasdell, please read their submissions guidelines before you register for a session.

This programme is supported by Creative New Zealand, through their Te Manu Ka Tau international visitor programme. This is aimed at developing international audiences and markets for New Zealand literature, developing and increasing networks and connectivity for New Zealand writers and building the skills and capability of writers to engage internationally. Every year, Creative New Zealand invites key agents, experts and publishers to New Zealand virtually and in person to meet with writers, programmers and our literary community.

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