Surrey Hotel-Newsroom writer’s residency award for 2020 announced

Congratulations to NZSA member Mia Gaudin


“The grand winner of the 2020 Surrey Hotel-Newsroom writer’s residency award is novelist Mia Gaudin. A graduate of the IIML in Wellington, she has been awarded seven nights accommodation at the strange and wonderful Surrey Hotel in Grey Lynn, Auckland, and also receives free breakfast and the hotel’s tremendously satisfying Sunday roast.

Second place is the wildly talented Vanessa Mei Crofskey, a staff writer at Pantograph Punch who features in a forthcoming Auckland University Press collection of six new poets. She wins four nights at the Surrey to work on a ‘memoir/drawing/poetry hybrid…It’s about innocence marred by upbringing, bizarre hentai sex and schoolgirl fetishes.’”


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