
The Janet Mackenzie Medal – 2022 nominations are now open

The award honours Janet Mackenzie DE (1947–2018). Janet was an Honorary Life Member (and founding member) of Editors Victoria and served IPEd in many capacities over many years. She was a member of IPEd’s first Standards Working Group (1998–2000) and of the Style Manual 7th Edition Steering Group, from which she resigned only weeks before her death.

Only IPEd Professional Members are eligible for this award. Award selection is based on a written nominator statement from an IPEd member, three written referee letters of support and the nominee’s three-page CV.

Current members of the IPEd Board, IPEd employees, award judges and administrators of the award are ineligible for nomination.

Download the 2022 Nomination Instructions.

Nominations close 30 November 2021.

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