
The Kaipukahu University of Waikato Writer in Residence 2023 Te Kura Toi, School of Arts

You will be a writer of fiction, poetry, drama or serious non-fiction and seeking a full-time opportunity to write for a year in an academic environment supported by a living wage. You will be entitled to work and live in NZ.

You will be provided with office space and computer facilities in the English Programme in Te Kura Toi, School of Artsand will be given access to University facilities including the University library. While it is not expected that you will undertake any teaching during the term of this appointment, it is expected that you will participate in the cultural life of the University. The salary will be NZD$55,089 per annum.

This role is jointly sponsored by the University of Waikato and Creative NZ. Direct inquiries may be made to Assoc. Prof. Sarah Shieff, sarah.shieff@waikato.ac.nz or Senior Lecturer Catherine Chidgey at catherine.chidgey@waikato.ac.nz

Closing Date:  11 November 2022

Vacancy Number: 420425

For further information and to apply online, please visit: www.jobs.waikato.ac.nz

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