
The Nine Dots Prize – open for entries – Think big, solve problems, through writing.

The Nine Dots Prize is an international writing prize for creative thinking that tackles contemporary societal issues. The aim of the prize is to promote, encourage and engage innovative thinking to address problems facing the modern world. It is judged anonymously and seeks submissions from both established writers and emerging talent.


This year’s question is: Why has the rule of law become so fragile?


Entrants must respond with 3,000 words and provide an outline on how they would expand their response into a short book of 25,000-40,000 words.

The winner receives:

  • Editorial support and their book published by Cambridge University Press
  • The opportunity to spend a term at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) at Cambridge University
  • $100,000 USD

The Nine Dots Prize website houses a plethora of resources to inspire and support writers. This includes podcast episodes covering topics such as where to find inspiration and how to make your ideas sing.

For more information, resources and guidance, visit the Nine Dots Prize website: https://ninedotsprize.org

Frequently Asked Questions


The prize is open to anyone aged 18+. Entries must be written in English and submitted by midday (GMT) on Monday 23 January 2023.





Could you be the next @NineDotsPrize winner? Tackle the question: Why has the rule of law become so fragile? 3,000 words and an outline of how this could be turned into a book. Big thinking, contemporary issues and engaging writing. https://ninedotsprize.org/

Why has the rule of law become so fragile? Can you answer this question with your experience, backed up by evidence? Write a 3,000 word answer for @NineDotsPrize and you could be in with a chance of winning $100,000 and a book deal with @CambridgeUP https://ninedotsprize.org/

Think big, solve problems and tackle contemporary issues – all through your writing. @NineDotsPrize seeks creative responses to the question ‘Why has the rule of law become so fragile?’ More details here: https://ninedotsprize.org/


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