Professional Categories |
Best Novel | A Rake of HIs Own | A.J. Lancaster | Camberion Press |
Best Youth Novel | The Rarkyn’s Familiar | Nikky Lee | Parliament House Press |
Best Novelette | How to Marry a Winged King | A.J. Lancaster | FaRoFeb |
Best Novella | How to Get a Girlfriend (When You’re a Terrifying Monster) | Marie Cardno | Paper Road Press |
Best Short Story | “My Nascent Garden” | Melanie Harding-Shaw | Analog July/August |
Best Collected Work | Year’s Best Aotearoa New Zealand Science Fiction & Fantasy Volume 4 | Emily Brill-Holland | Paper Road Press |
Best Artwork | Cover of Year’s Best Aotearoa New Zealand Science Fiction and Fantasy Vol 4 | Rebecca Hawkes | Paper Road Press |
Best Production/Publication | The Black Archive #61 – Paradise Towers | John Toon | |
Fan Categories |
Best Fan Writing | Conservation, Red in Tooth and Claw | Rem Wigmore | Climate Fiction Writers League |
Best Fan Artwork | Jinx | Leadambeck | |
Best Fan Publication | Phoenixine | John and Jo Toon |
Winners for the 2023 Sir Julius Vogel Awards, for the 2022 calendar year