
Young Writer in Residence – DUNEDIN

A four week residency (13 September to Friday 9 October) in the Robert Lord Writers Cottage (Dunedin) to write, and participate in the NZ Young Writers Festival (24-27 September). 


The residency is open to New Zealand writers aged 18-35. The writer will present an event within the 2020 NZYWF, which may be work/work in progress developed during the residency.

NZ travel costs to and from Dunedin, power, internet, and a stipend are provided in addition to the accommodation.

Dunedin is a UNESCO City of Literature and has a warm and welcoming community that supports writers and writing. 2020 will be the sixth NZYWF which is produced by the Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust who also produce the annual Dunedin Fringe Festival.

The residency has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Robert Lord Cottage Trust, and Creative New Zealand.

How to apply

Email your application and/or and questions to Gareth McMillan director@dunedinfringe.nz including:

A short proposal detailing what you would hope to achieve during the residency and how this would assist your development as a writer. Please include information regarding what you would present at an event in the NZYWF. This might be work/work in progress developed during the residency, existing work, or another event but will need to be confirmed before the residency begins to meet our promotional deadlines.

Please attach a brief personal bio as well. Succinct supporting material may be included.

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