2021 CNZ Randell Cottage Writing Fellowship

Applications are now open for the 2021 Creative New Zealand Randell Cottage Writing Fellowship. The fellowship comprises six months of accommodation in a restored colonial cottage and a stipend currently set at $27,000. It will run from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021 and is advertised subject to confirmation of CNZ funding.

Closes  6 Nov 2020

Applications are now open for the 2021 Creative New Zealand Randell Cottage Writing Fellowship. The fellowship comprises six months of accommodation in a restored colonial cottage and a stipend currently set at $27,000. It will run from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021 and is advertised subject to confirmation of CNZ funding.

We’re looking for writers whose work has already been published or performed and well received. We particularly want to hear from mid-career and Māori and Pasifika writers.

Your proposal may be in any genre, including:

Children’s writing

Other literary non-fiction
Writing on arts topics

We know that mid-career is a broad and elastic term. For us it covers writers who may have published one or two or even three books, writers who may have had a significant body of well-received work (such as essays, poems and short stories) published on websites, in journals or anthologies or performed either locally or internationally, and who may have appeared at international literary festivals. We’re looking for the writer who is no longer “emerging” but isn’t quite yet “established” and to whose career this residency would represent a significant boost.

How to apply

Visit the application pages of our website, download and complete the application form and send it, along with copies of your proposal, CV, and a sample of work in progress to

The Randell Cottage Writers Trust

(New Zealand Residency Applications)

PO Box 25 204

Wellington 6140

by 6 November 2020.

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