As Director of Literacy and Learning at National Library, Elizabeth is responsible for strengthening collaboration to achieve improved literacy and learning outcomes for New Zealand through partnerships with government agencies, and the education, library, literacy and community sectors. She oversees the operational leadership of the Services to Schools team and the delivery of nationwide services to support reading engagement, digital literacy and school library development.
Christine Young, chair of Storylines Trust, says Storylines is delighted to be awarding Elizabeth the Storylines Margaret Mahy Medal this year.
“For more than 35 years she has been one of New Zealand’s most passionate, articulate, knowledgeable, and effective advocates of children and young people’s reading for pleasure and the academic and personal benefits it brings.
“Without her vision and determination, the Te Awhi Rito New Zealand Reading Ambassador for Children and Young People, which involves partners from across the sector, would not have succeeded. I am in awe of her commitment, dedication and enthusiasm, and the way she is able to communicate with and engage others in her passionate pursuit of ensuring all tamariki and rangatahi have the opportunity and ability to enjoy reading.”
She has also strengthened collaboration with Ministry of Education to enable more connected work on the Literacy Strategy and priorities including support for reading for pleasure within the curriculum.
Externally-focused collaborative roles Elizabeth currently holds include:
Chair of the Te Awhi Rito Partners Group and Chair of the National Reading Initiatives Programme board; membership of the International Federation of Library Associations literacy and reading standing committee; Aotearoa New Zealand Histories Curriculum inter-agency group; New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme governance board; NZLPP sector reference group; and the Growing Up In New Zealand research project advisory group.
The Storylines Margaret Mahy Medal and Lecture Award will be presented at Storylines Margaret Mahy National Awards Day in Auckland. Register now to attend. |