
$25,000 CLNZ NZSA Writers’ Award OPENS – call for applications!

The CLNZ | NZSA Writers’ Award of $25,000 is one of the highest non-fiction prizes in New Zealand literature, and is now open for applications.

He $25,000 te nui o te Karāti Kaituhi o te CLNZ me te NZSA, te karāti mātua mo ngā pakimaero-pono o ngā momo-tuhinga o Aotearoa. Ka taea e ngā Kaituhi te tuku tono mō tēnei karāti.

  • a $25,000 award to a New Zealand writer
  • one of the highest non-fiction prizes in New Zealand literature
  • open now

The award was established to provide financial support for writers wishing to devote time to a specific project, and to cover reasonable research expenses relating to it. Writers with work in a broad range of non-fiction genres, including educational works, can apply.

The Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) and the New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (NZSA) Writers’ Award supported the creation of Rebecca Macfie‘s book Helen Kelly: Her Life (Awa Press), a biography of one of New Zealand’s political legends; Nic Low‘s book Uprising: Walking the Southern Alps of New Zealand; supporting Nick Bollinger‘s book project Jumping Sundays: The Rise and Fall of the Counterculture in Aotearoa / New Zealand, and Jade Kake for her project on the legacy of Professor Rewi Thompson.

Last year, Writer, Architectural Designer and Housing Advocate, Jade Kake (Ngāpuhi,Te Whakatōhea,Te Arawa) was the award recipient for her project on the legacy of Professor Rewi Thompson (1953-2017; Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Raukawa).

“E rua ngā mea mīharo e pā ana ki ōku wheako o tēnei tohu – ko ngā haerenga ki te pūranga hoahoanga o Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau (he tino taonga ngā tā hoahoa ā Rewi) me ngā kōrero ki ngā tāngata i aroha i a Rewi. He ātaahua ngā kōrero o ērā tāngata, he ātaahua te whakamaumaharatanga o Rewi Thompson.

The highlights of my award experience have been twofold – visits to the University of Auckland architecture archive (Rewi’s drawings are treasures), and speaking with people who loved Rewi. The words of those people have been beautiful, as has the remembrance of Rewi.”

Want to Apply?

First: Read the CLNZ | NZSA Writers’ Award Guidelines

Then: Fill in the CLNZ | NZSA Writers’ Award Application Form

Also: Consider reading this ‘Award Alchemy’ article from NZ Author Magazine (pdf) or listening to Tracey Farr in the NZSA Live! podcast episode ‘Panel Discussion on the Business of Being a Writer’ (starting minute 1.50) on putting together the best application you can.

We encourage non-fiction writers to consider applying for this award.  Applications over the full range of non-fiction genre are welcome.  Applicants must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. It is the clear intention of the CLNZ | NZSA Writers’ Award that a book will be published as a result of being a recipient of the award.

Applications must be completed online by 4pm on Wednesday 29 June 2022.

Unsuccessful applicants will be advised before recipients are announced. Successful recipients will be contacted directly and we will also publish the announcement on the CLNZ and NZSA websites and Facebook pages.

The CLNZ | NZSA Writers’ Award is made possible through CLNZ’s Cultural Fund. The Cultural Fund’s objectives are to protect writers and publishers’ ability to earn revenue from their works; support the creation and production of new works and assist the commercial success of New Zealand works; grow the number of works created and skills in the industry.

NZSA is proud to be administering the awards in 2022.

Copyright Licensing New Zealand (CLNZ) provides licences to help make copying, scanning and sharing printed works easy and legal.

New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) was established in 1934 and is the principal organisation representing writers interests in NZ. A national office oversees 8 branches and hubs, administers prizes and awards, offers contract advice and runs professional development programmes among other activities.

For further information or to organise an interview, please email Nicole Colmar nicole@nzauthors.org.nz or Esme Barber esme@copyright.co.nz

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