The New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults has announced the 2019 dates for its successful nationwide series of finalist author events under an exciting new banner – Books Alive.

Large scale Books Alive events for school children will take place in Dunedin, Christchurch, Hamilton and Wellington in the week leading up to the 2019 New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults ceremony in the nation’s capital on Wednesday 7 August.

We wanted to convey the excitement that young readers have told us they feel when they get to meet, in person, the authors and illustrators who’ve created the books they love,” says New Zealand Book Awards Trust chair, Nicola Legat. “Books Alive also conveys the spirit of the events, where this year’s group of talented finalists will share their inside knowledge of writing, illustrating and publishing for young readers. It’s the kind of magic that makes books accessible, and, we hope, inspires a whole new generation to read and create.”

The full list of finalist authors and illustrators who will take part in the various free events – ranging from theatre-style presentations to workshops, illustrator trails and even a kids’ press conference – will be confirmed once the 2019 #NZCYA shortlist is announced on 6 June.

But in the meantime, schools in the areas are being invited to register their interest and diarise the following dates:

Dunedin 1 August: Dunedin City Library (primary, intermediate and secondary levels)

Christchurch 2 August: T?ranga central library (secondary level)

5 August: St Margaret’s College (primary and intermediate levels)

Hamilton 5 August: University of Waikato (secondary level)

5 August: Hamilton Central Library (primary level)

Wellington 7 August: Te Marae at Te Papa, and other city venues to be confirmed (primary, intermediate and secondary levels)

“There is always high demand for our Books Alive sessions,” says Nicola Legat, “so we advise schools to contact us early, to ensure their students can experience the unique opportunity and excitement of meeting so many talented authors and illustrators face-to-face.”

The 2019 Books Alive programme is being organised for the New Zealand Book Awards Trust by the expert team at Pirate & Queen. Interest can be registered by completing a quick online form, available in direct communications being sent to all schools in and around the four centres this week, or for further enquiries, email

The Books Alive programme and the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults are made possible through the generous support of Creative New Zealand, HELL Pizza, Wright Family Foundation, LIANZA, Wellington City Council, Te Papa and Nielsen Book.

Social Media Links News release:

Website: Facebook: /NewZealandCYABookAwards/

Twitter: /nzcya

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