CLNZ launches new contestable funding round – Open April 15-Closes April 29

Applications are now open for a Special Round of Contestable Fund Grants, with $120,000 available to apply for.


Copyright Licensing New Zealand is running a Special Round of its Contestable Fund Grants in order to support short-term projects that have arisen or been developed to respond to the changed environment in the New Zealand writing and publishing sector during COVID-19. The annual Contestable Fund process supports a very wide range of projects, and this Special Round will do the same.

Applications are invited for projects that have clearly defined and measurable project outcomes, including projects that:

  • Respond to the opportunities and challenges presented by the pandemic
  • Develop the professional skills of writers, including those who write for an education audience
  • Seek to grow export markets for New Zealand published content
  • Demonstrate innovation in the creation and distribution of New Zealand published content
  • Use online platforms to enhance the profile of New Zealand publishing and/or published content, including to international/export markets
  • Are able to be completed by 30 September 2020
Application Dates Wednesday 15 April – Wednesday 29 April 2020
Application Form APPLY HERE
Application Guidelines and Criteria More information here (pdf)
Next Round September 2020


Applications for entries must be made online and are open from 15 April 2020 until 29 April 2020. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised via email in mid-May. Successful recipients will be contacted directly, and we will also publish the announcement on our website and social media pages.
If you have any specific queries about this round, in the first instance please email or call 0800 480 271. The annual Contestable Fund ($75,000) will run later in the year. This Special Fund is additional investment.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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