Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors is open for submissions!

Submissions are now open for Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, the annual climate fiction contest from Fix, Grist’s solutions lab. The contest calls for short stories of 3,000 to 5,000 words that envision the next 178 years of equitable climate progress.

Judges include renowned authors Sheree Renée Thomas (winner of two World Fantasy Awards), Grace L. Dillon (who coined the term Indigenous Futurism), and Arkady Martine (winner of the 2020 Hugo Award for Best Novel).

The top three winners will be awarded $3000, $2000, and $1000 respectively, and nine additional finalists will each receive $300.

While Imagine 2200 seeks hopeful stories, there’s no need to be overly optimistic or naive. A just climate future will require hard work and adaptation. Imagine especially welcomes cultural authenticity, rich characters with intersecting identities, and stories that challenge the status quo (which accepts extraction, oppression, and violence). Learn more here!

Grace L. Dillon
Arkady Martine | Twitter, Instagram
Sheree Renée Thomas | Twitter, Instagram

The deadline for submission is May 5, 2022, by 11:59pm US Pacific Standard Time

So join us on this exciting journey into a cleaner, greener, more equitable future!

For more information and on how to submit VISIT HERE.

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