Storylines National Story Tour visits Southland

It’s all happening next week! 15 -19 August 2022.

The Storylines Story Tour visits schools and libraries in these centres:

• Monday 15 August-Invercargill
• Tuesday 16 August-Invercargill and Woodlands
• Wednesday 17 August-Mataura, Gore, Pukerau, Otama, Riversdale
• Thursday 18 August -Balfour, Lumsden, Winton, Heddon Bush, Nightcaps,Clifton
• Friday 19 August-Riverton, Appleby, Bluff

Presenting the team of talented writers: Kate De Goldi, Heather Haylock, Pauline Vaeluaga Smith and Melinda Szymanik.

Apply now and Storylines could be visiting your students! Visit HERE.

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