• Are Digital Rights Events Working?

    Waiting for the Plane Tickets: Rights Pros on Digital Events  February 19, 2021  Read on Publishing Perspectives here   How do online rights events organized by literary agencies, publishers, and others compare to the physical book fair experience? We hear from several rights folks on how it’s going so far. At Brussels’ rights center for […]

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  • Three Authors’ Associations Address Status of Audible.com Talks

    A coalition of author organizations in the US and UK calls for more transparency from Audible to give authors ‘a true picture of how their income is being calculated.’ By Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief | @Porter_Anderson ‘We Will Continue Our Dialogue’ As we reported in late November, Audible‘s initial response to what writers called #Audiblegate was soundly rejected as inadequate […]

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  • TV comedy series by Mark Joyce wins 2020 David Carson-Embassy Prize – IIML

     9 December 2020 A television comedy series about an odd-couple Hollywood writing duo fighting to protect their creativity has been awarded the 2020 David Carson-Parker Embassy Prize in Scriptwriting at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.   Winning series The Delegate was written by Mark Joyce as part of his 2020 Master of Arts (Scriptwriting) […]

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  • Australian Society of Authors warns Government sustainability of Australian writing careers under threat

    The Australian Society of Authors has told a Federal Inquiry into the Creative and Cultural Industries that the sustainability of writing careers is under threat and has called for an overhaul in the way the Australian Government invests in and supports Australian writers. Our submission to the Inquiry addresses the immense value of Australian literature but also […]

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  • Successful recipients announced for the Contestable Fund Grants 2020 – Copyright Licensing NZ

    13 NOVEMBER 2020 Congratulations to the recipients of the 2020 Contestable Fund Grants, with a total of $74,900 granted.   We’re excited to announce the successful recipients in this year’s round of Contestable Fund Grants. Applications were invited for projects that had clearly defined and measurable outcomes that align with the Cultural Fund’s objectives. There were […]

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  • Book sector highlights cultural, social and economic importance of valuing creative rights

    Wednesday 4 November 2020   The New Zealand Society of Authors, the Publishers Association of New Zealand, and Copyright Licensing New Zealand have teamed up to put creative rights and their importance – for writers, the local book sector, and for our country – in the spotlight.   Creative Rights = Creative Reads is a […]

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  • Publishers Association launches platform for digital match making

    October usually sees a large swathe of the book industry depart Aotearoa’s shores for the biggest and most prestigious event on the publishing calendar – Germany’s Frankfurt Book Fair. Travelling to large, international book fairs has long been a critical part of selling New Zealand stories to the world. But with publishers, authors and agents […]

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  • NZ Writers Guild asks screen and quota questions of all political parties – read here

    What are your party’s Arts, Culture and Heritage and Broadcasting policies? Labour The arts and creative sectors are vitally important to the New Zealand economy, which contributes nearly $11 billion a year to GDP, employs 90,000 people and supports the wellbeing of our communities. However, our arts sector has been deeply impacted by COVID-19. We’re […]

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  • CLNZ Contestable Fund Grant funding – open for applications

    September 2020 $75,000 is available to support strategic projects that demonstrate New Zealand publishing sector growth, which is made possible through the Copyright Licensing Trust’s Cultural Fund. Applications are now open and must be received before 4pm Wednesday 7 October 2020. Successful recipients will be announced in November. Find out more here >> Applications are invited […]

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    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Artificial Intelligence (AI) has always had fantastical appeal. Imaginative ideas of futuristic superhuman technology provide endless material for storytelling, inspiring humans to create worlds where the impossible is performed with ease. These ideas, however, once at home in seemingly distant dreams, are moving from fiction into reality as AI continues to take root […]

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  • A small change with the potential to make a big difference to literacy in NZ

    by Paula Browning Sep 08 2020 WARWICK SMITH/STUFF We need to create a fairer system for teachers, learners and creators when it comes to copying and sharing learning resources in the classroom, writes Paula Browning. Read the rest of the article here on STUFF  https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/122685642/a-small-change-with-the-potential-to-make-a-big-difference-to-literacy-in-nz

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    KISS LIBRARY ILLEGALLY OBTAINED COPIES OF BOOKS AND EBOOKS AND SOLD ON THEIR SITE – Piracy pure and simple   UPDATE : KISS Library has been shut down by order of a federal judge, due to its failure to respond to the lawsuit. The sweeping order effectively shuts down the operation in its current iteration, and seeks […]

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