Digital Story Tour replaces Northland Story Tour 2021

With the cancellation of the kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) Northland Digital Story Tour, Storylines presents a digital Story Tour. Dates are: 22, 23, 24 November; 29 and 30 Nov and 1 December 2021.  One guest will present via live stream each day, with a host. They will make two presentations each day, at 11.00am and 1.30pm. Each presentation will last 45 minutes.

The live streams will give you the opportunity to ask questions in real time.

Presenters are:

  • Monday 22 Nov –Te Awhi Rito New Zealand Reading Ambassador,  writer and poet Ben Brown, for Year 7 +
  • Tuesday 23 Nov – illustrator Kimberly Andrews, for Year 4 +
  • Wed 24 Nov – author/illustrator Gavin Bishop, for Year 4 +
  • Monday 29 Nov – comic artist and illustrator Michel Mulipola, for Year 5 +
  • Tues 30 Nov – author Heather Haylock, for preschool – Year 4
  • Wed 1 Dec – Munro Te Whata, for Year 4 +

Register here. All sessions are free, and you can register to attend more than one of the sessions.

Dates and regions for our 2022 face-to-face tours are also in place and you can also book for these. Check the details on Storylines’ main Story Tours page.

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