INVITATION: Canadian Creative industries Virtual Pre-Mission to Australia and New Zealand

The Government of Canada is pleased to invite participants to the upcoming Canadian Creative Industries Virtual Pre-Mission to Australia and New Zealand. This virtual event is organized by the Department of Canadian Heritage, in partnership with Global Affairs Canada, and is scheduled to take place on October 26-28, 2022.

Canadian creative industries virtual pre-mission program outline

The Canadian Creative Industries Virtual Pre-Mission to Australia and New Zealand will allow Canadian businesses and organizations to get acquainted with Australia and New Zealand as potential export destinations in the creative sector. It is also meant to lay the groundwork for a future in-person trade mission. The event’s program, which was designed to share market insights, create connections and forge new business partnerships in various sub-sectors of creative industries, will be delivered on a designated and customized online platform featuring:

  • presentations from Canadian, Australian and New Zealand government and industry representatives;
  • networking sessions; and,
  • options for self-booked B2B meetings between Canadian and Australian and New Zealand businesses and organizations.

For more details, please see the event’s tentative program attached in a separate document.

Who will participate in this virtual pre-mission from Canada?

Between 150 and 200 Canadian businesses and organizations are expected to participate throughout the virtual pre-mission’s program. Canadian delegates mostly represent the audiovisual, interactive digital media, music, performing arts, and book publishing sectors, and a few delegates are from other niche subsectors, such as fashion and visual arts.

Please see the attached list of over 150 Canadian companies and organizations which are already registered on the mission platform and are looking forward to network and request B2B meetings with you. We expect more companies to register leading up to the event.

List of Canadian companies and organizations participating in the virtual pre-mission to Australia and New Zealand

When can I register on the virtual platform?

The platform registration for Australian and New Zealand participants opens on September 30th, 2022. If you are interested in this opportunity to connect with like-minded Canadian companies and organizations in your creative sector, we strongly encourage you to create your profile as soon as possible.

How do I register?

Access the platform and create your profile here.

For a quick tutorial on how to navigate the platform, please consult this short video.

Would you like to share your experience of operating in your industry and/or having a successful business partnership with a foreign enterprise/organization?

In addition to participating in the networking sessions and self-booked B2B meetings, if you would like to have a short speaking opportunity (5-10 minutes max) to present to the Canadian business audience on, for example, “dos” and “don’ts” in your industry, give practical advice on how to get into your industry, experience of co-producing with a foreign partner, having a successful business partnership with a Canadian enterprise, or if you are looking for new content that Canadians could offer, etc., please respond to this email and we will be happy to include you in the official program.

What happens after the virtual pre-mission?

Following the virtual pre-mission and provided its outcomes are conducive to further international business development among Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand practitioners in the creative industries, the Government of Canada plans to lead an in-person trade mission to Australia and New Zealand in early March 2023.

We look forward to your participation in the Canadian Creative Industries Virtual Pre-Mission to Australia and New Zealand! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to make connections with Canada!


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