LONGLIST ANNOUNCED – 2020 National Flash Fiction Day

Winners – Congratulations to the 2020 longlist

 2020 National Flash Fiction Day

Announcing the 2020 Long Lists!

Please go here for the 2020 Youth Long List.

Congratulations, all! Please share your news but refrain from noting your title while the judges are still deliberating. 

(alphabetical by title)

A sniper’s memoir

All aboard

Anzac on Albert St


At the bank


Best friends

Blossom in deep winter

Burning up


Catch water, hold fire



Facts about drowning

Home for the funeral


I’m looking at my empty city but my empty city isn’t looking back

Instructions for lockdown

Last call

Lichen, a successful colonizer in hostile environments

Like two coats in a station’s waiting room

Losing it

Love in the time of wī

No rest for baby bird

Off centre

Out in the wops

Sam’s nana

Seeing wrong


The gulls or maybe the rats

The hole

The westerly

This too shall pass

Took the dog, visited the sea


Watch this space for the Short Lists!

The winning stories will be published in the special winter edition of  Flash Frontier: An Adventure in Short Fiction –– forthcoming June 2020.

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