
NZHA 2021 Prize Winners

Following the Prize Giving session on Friday, the outgoing NZ Historical Association Executive are delighted to confirm the winners of the 2021 NZHA Prizes:

The W.H. Oliver Prize for the Best Book on Any Aspect of New Zealand History

Joint Winner: Bain Attwood, Empire and the Making of Native Title: Sovereignty, Property and Indigenous People (Cambridge University Press).

Joint Winner: Hirini KaaTe Hāhi Mihinare: The Māori Anglican Church (Bridget Williams Books).

Highly Commended: Jared DavidsonDead Letters: Censorship and Subversion in New Zealand, 1914-1920 (Otago University Press).

The Erik Olssen Prize for the Best First Book by an Author on Any Aspect of New Zealand History

Winner: Hirini KaaTe Hāhi Mihinare: The Māori Anglican Church (Bridget Williams Books).

Highly Commended: Benjamin KingsburyThe Dark Island: Leprosy in New Zealand and the Quail Island Colony (Bridget Williams Books).

The Mary Boyd Prize for the Best Article on Any Aspect of New Zealand History

Winner: Matthew Birchall, History, Sovereignty, Capital: Company Colonization in South Australia and New Zealand, Journal of Global History, 16:1 (2021), pp. 141-157.

Prize for the Best Postgraduate Paper Presented at the NZHA Conference

Winner: Sucharita Sen, Intimacies amidst Hierarchies: British Officers and their Indian Servants in Nineteenth-Century Imperial Households.

Congratulations to all those awarded and commended on their fantastic achievement!

NZHA currently offers four history prizes, each awarded biennially. These will next be awarded at the 2023 New Zealand Historical Association Conference. More about NZHA history prizes here

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